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全球化時代的中國籃球:治理、市場與文化:governance, market and culture

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全球化時代的中國籃球:治理、市場與文化:governance, market and culture 版權信息

  • ISBN:9787520309240
  • 條形碼:9787520309240 ; 978-7-5203-0924-0
  • 裝幀:暫無
  • 冊數:暫無
  • 重量:暫無
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全球化時代的中國籃球:治理、市場與文化:governance, market and culture 內容簡介

  Chinese sports are developing under verycomplex and unique political, economic, andcultural circumstances in the global age. This studyaims to investigate the process of globalization inbasketball through an examination of itsmultidimensional manifestations. The study alignsitself with George Ritzer' s conceptualization ofdichotonuzing the process of globalization intogrobalization and glocalization. On that basis, thetrajectory of basketball globalization in China isidentified as the result of a contextual andcompeting interplay between the penetration ofthe NBA and the consequent engagement ofChinese basketball.A qualitative methodological approach wasconducted to achieve the research aim. Data werecollected from a number of sources, includingofficial documents and semi-structured interviewswith relevant basketball participants. The studyreveals that globalization and basketball in China,in the political and institutional dimension. is aconflicting process. The universalization of theNBA' s govemance model could not be fully assimilated due to the centralization of power in the Chinese govemment, which is hindenng the further professionalization and marketization of basketball. In the economic dimension, the globalization process is seen to interplay with the local basketball market, which is growing thanks to the adaption of the NBA' s marketing strategies.In the cultural dimension, the study demonstrates that the NBA has to some extent cosmopolitanized and consumerized Chinese basketball culture.while resistance from both the state and the Chinese people has risen. creolizing the globalization of basketball culture in China.

全球化時代的中國籃球:治理、市場與文化:governance, market and culture 目錄

Chapter l. Introduction
1. 1 Globalization and Sport in China
1.2 Research Aim and Objectives
1. 3 Thesis Structure

Chapter 2. Theorizing the Global-Local Nexus
2. 1 Introduction
2. 2 Definition of Globalization
2. 3 Globalization and Sport
2. 4 Grobalization/Glocalization Theory and Sport Studies
2. 5 Theoretical Framework and Research Questions
2. 6 Conclusion

Chapter 3. Methodology
3. 1 Introduction
3. 2 0ntology and Epistemology
3. 3 Methodological Considerations
3.5 Reliability, Validity, and Ethical Considerations
3. 6 Research Design
3. 7 Conclusion

Chapter 4. Historical Overview
4. 1 Introduction
4. 2 Development of the NBA
4. 3 Sport Development in the PRC
4. 4 Conclusion

Chapter 5. Globalization and the Governance of Chinese
5. 1 Introduction
5. 2 The Grobalization of the NBA and the Intemationalization
5. 3 Glocalization and the Professionalization of Chinese
5. 4 Conflicting Globalization: A Professional Sports League with
Socialist Characteristics?
5. 5 Conclusion

Chapter 6. Globalization and the Chinese Basketball Market
6. 1 Introduction ...........
6. 2 Grobalization and the NBA's Chinese Marketplace
6. 3 Glocalization and the Emergence of an Indigenous Basketball Market
6. 4 McDonald's or Shanghai Food?
6. 5 Conclusion

Chapter 7. Globalization and Chinese Basketball Culture
7. 1 Introduction
7. 2 Grobalization and the NBA's De/reconstruction of Chinese Basketball Culture
7. 3A Resistant Voice from Above : The Nation's Culturalization of Chinese Basketball
7. 4A Resistant Voice from Below: the Grassroots ' Ethos and the Glocalization of Chinese Basketball Culture
7. 5 Conclusion

Chapter 8. Conclusion
8.2 Contribution to Theory
8. 3 Research Limitations and Recommendations
Interview Schedule A
Interview Schedule B
Interview Schedule C

全球化時代的中國籃球:治理、市場與文化:governance, market and culture 節選

  《Globalization and Basketball in China:Governance,Market and Culture》:  In answer to Shor and Galily‘s( 2012) call, this study attempts to use grobal-ization/glocalization theory to examine the various manifestations of the grobal-glocal interaction between the NBA and Chinese basketball. The considerations of this study also rest on the implications of Ritzer’s( 2007b:18) grobalization/glocal-ization theory, which makes possible an examination of this process of the global-ization of basketball from a variety of perspectives, in contrast to Robertson‘s ( 1995) glocalization theory which focuses more on the cultural aspects. The abili-ty to inquire the case of the NBA in China beyond the cultural is extremely impor-tant for this study, since a preliminary literature review suggests that discussion of the capitalistic dimension of the NBA is both needed and worthwhile. It is also hoped that the approach adopted will help avoid the shortcoming observed by An-drews and Ritzer( 2007:136) in some contemporary sport studies, which6’falsely polarize the global and the local, in a manner that tends to privilege, and indeed romanticize, expressions of the sporting local“.  According to Ritzer( 2007b: 18) , the ideas of grobalization and glocalization can be used to analyse not only the cultural realm but also the economic, politi-cal, and institutional realms.First,in the realm of culture, he suggests that grob-alization can be seen as a form of transitional expansion of common codes and practices, whereas glocalization involves the interaction, and the implosion of man-y global and local cultural inputs to create a kind of“pastiche”, or a blend, lead-ing to a variety of cultural hybrids.  Second,he argues that with grobalization, economic factors tend to emphasize their growing importance and homogenizing effect throughout the world.Global-ization is generally seen as the spread of the neoliberal market economy through-out the many different regions of the world. Glocalization also exists at the mar-gins of the global economy. Globalization is then seen in the interaction of the global market with local markets, which leads to the creation of unique glocal mar-kets that integrate the demands of the global market with the realities of the localmarket( Ritzer, 2007b: 19) .  Third, Ritzer(2007b: 19-20) argues that grobalization in the political domain is focused on the worldwide spread of models of the nation-state and the emer-gence of isomorphic forms of governance throughout the globe; in other words, the growth of a more or less single model of govemance around the world. Clocaliza-tion in the political domain, on the other hand, tends to be associated with an in-tensification of nationalism and is therefore apt to lead to greater political hetero-geneity throughout the world. This interaction of govemance models at the local level may produce unique, glocal political formations that integrate elements of both the former and the latter.  With the employment of Ritzer‘s ideas to examine the multiple manifestations of sport globalization, it becomes clear the NBA is an agent of the converging gro-bal power which brings about universality, uniformity, and homogeneity, while Chinese basketball( in the form of its officials and participants) represents the di-verging glocal power which brings about particularity, dissimilarity, and heteroge-neity. On this basis, the research questions for this study are set out as:  How has the NBA universalized its govemance model in China, and howhas Chinese basketball adapted and particularized this paradigm?   ……

全球化時代的中國籃球:治理、市場與文化:governance, market and culture 作者簡介

  黃福華,男,1983年出生,廣東中山人,江西師范大學校聘教授,碩士生導師。2009年至2013年,受國家留學基金管理委員會資助,赴愛爾蘭University College Cork留學并取得中國研究專業博士學位,師從Fan Hong教授。主要研究方向為體育歷史與文化,目前主持國家社科基金中華學術外譯項目和國家體育總局哲學社會科學研究青年項目各1項,出版中文專著1部,在《The Intemationaljoumal of the History of Sport》等刊物上發表學術論文10余篇,其中SSCI收錄4篇。

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