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包郵 成都名物

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成都名物 版權信息

  • ISBN:9787514621907
  • 條形碼:9787514621907 ; 978-7-5146-2190-7
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • 冊數:暫無
  • 重量:暫無
  • 所屬分類:>>

成都名物 本書特色

《成都名物》的特色之一,在于藝術性與生活化場景相融合,106處插圖全部采用了手繪插畫的形式,從內容選景、文字,到*后形成畫稿,*終展現為一本關于“生活方式”的書。該書將成都特有的古貌,和具體的生活細節結合起來,仿佛一幀幀電影鏡頭,一點點拉近讀者,走進中國城市,用“人文浸潤”的方式表達“中國形象”; 《成都名物》的特色之二,在于中國原創性與國際化表達相融合。原創性貫穿于《成都名物》的起始策劃、拍照調研、構建目錄、起草畫稿到*終的呈現形式。“哪些名物與生活方式,能代表既傳統又時尚的成都人?哪些地理坐標能兼顧城市文化積淀與網紅打卡地?《成都名物》在深入城市,研究資料的基礎上,勾選出每座城市擬繪的106個生活場景,表現城市獨特性。

成都名物 內容簡介

"漢英對照版《成都名物》,屬于中國外文出版發行事業局策劃的“大美中國”叢書的分冊之一,通過106幅手繪作品和106篇優美短文,將成都古老的特色文化地標與年輕人的現代生活完美融合,描繪了中國年輕人在成都的106種“*流行”的生活方式。 成都,到底是怎樣的一座城? 這里,把自然的表達賦予蜿蜒的錦江。也不介意,讓生活的底色,成就每一條街巷。這里愛市井人間,也愛無盡詩意。“九天開出一成都,萬戶千門入畫圖。”這是李白筆下的成都,把每一種生活的安逸,都放在熱愛的輪廓里。 這就是成都。 成都總是讓人流連忘返,無論是美食、歷史還是文化,這里都有無限的魅力等待著你的發現。 之后,“大美中國”也將陸續推出《廣州名物》《杭州名物》《南京名物》《西安名物》等七個城市的“名物”系列。“美”,是全人類的共同追求,也是東西方都無法拒絕的表達,特別極具“東方韻味”的中國風物、名所、名物等更是令西方世界著迷,所以我們要用繪畫、攝影、手工、雕塑、建筑、戲劇等各種藝術形式,充分展現“中國之美”。山川名物、名勝古跡、風土習俗、藝術建筑等都是全人類的共同文化成果,給國際社會提供這些作品,他們更容易接受,進而加深了解,*后會喜歡。這是基于我們對中國文化自信的持續推進。"

成都名物 目錄

**章 走一走,春之甘甜 Take a walk into the sweet spring 01 登上電視塔,一覽“錦江春色來天地”的雄渾詩意 Ascend the TV tower to admire the vigorous, poetic charm of "Jinjiang spring fills the heaven and earth"............................................. 002 02 去典雅時尚的太古里,盡享滿目春光 Visit the beautiful and fashionable Taikoo Li to admire the splendor of spring.................................................................................... 004 03 打卡大熊貓繁育基地,跟萌態萬方的胖寶寶照個面 Visit Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding to say hello to the cute pandas................................................................................... 006 04 牽手在琴臺路“壓馬路”,聊聊“文君夜奔”的浪漫 Walk hand in hand down the Qintai Road to experience the romance of “Wenjun Elopement” ......................................................................... 008 05 把九眼橋畔的夜影,存于初戀的記憶 Weave the night shadow by the Jiuyan Bridge into the memory of first love ............................................................................................... 010 06 打望錦里古風,在熱鬧小街找出成都的從前味道 Explore ancient customs in Jinli for the past taste of Chengdu in the bustling streets .............................................................. 012 07 在“帶江草堂”,品味老成都 Taste old Chengdu at Daijiang Caotang.................................................. 014 08 在“龍堂”的八人間住一晚,體會*著名背包客棧的滋味 Stay one night at Long Tang to experience the most famous backpacker inn......................................................................................... 016 09 到青白江跨亞歐洲際鐵路起點站,看“中歐班列(成渝)”始發 Visit Qingbai River trans-Eurasian Intercontinental Railway Departure Station to see China-Europe Train (Chengdu-Chongqing) depart .......... 019 10 在華希昆蟲博物館,看萬只蝴蝶標本的美麗翩翩 Marvel at the 10,000 butterfly specimens at the Insect Museum of West China............................................................................................... 020 第二章 看一看,夏之清怡 Take a look at the cool summer 11 到鶴鳴茶社,“巴巴適適”地泡上一整天 Spend a whole day comfortably at Heming Teahouse ............................ 024 12 到悅來茶園,聽一回地道的川戲圍鼓 Go to Yuelai Tea Garden and listen to the Sichuan Opera Weigu........... 026 13 在順興老茶館,“吐火”“變臉”是*好的佐茶小菜 Visit Shunxing Teahouse to enjoy the “spitting fire” and “ changing face”......................................................................................... 028 14 到黃龍溪的水碼頭,喝一碗老鷹茶 Have a bowl of “Eagle Tea” at the wharf of Huanglongxi....................... 030 15 去邛崍花楸茶園,看那一塊巨大的御賜牌匾 Admire the huge imperial plaque at the tea garden at Qionglai’s Huaqiu ..................................................................................................... 032 16 在上清宮,喝杯講究又洗心的青城素茶 Taste the Qingcheng Tea at Shangqing Palace ....................................... 034 17 在“可居”的院子里,喝遍各種中國茶 Taste all kinds of Chinese tea at the yard of Keju ................................... 036 18 在“易園”的川派園林里,拋灑一段悠閑時光 Enjoy leisure at the Sichuan-school garden of Yiyuan ............................. 038 19 到寬巷子的老門頭前打個卡,表示真到成都了 Visit the old gate of Kuanxiangzi and you can claim that you are in Chengdu ............................................................................................. 040 20 走進興隆湖,感受成都的科技詩意與未來 Experience Chengdu’s Future of Science and Technology at Xinglong Lake ..................................................................................... 042 第三章 尋一尋,秋之麻辣 Search for a spicy autumn 21 在小龍翻大江火鍋店,品成都的真味 Enjoy the true flavor of Chengdu at hotpot restaurant............................ 047 22 到皇城老媽總店,“啖三花、燙火鍋” Drink Sanhua Tea and eat hotpot at the original store of Huangcheng Laoma................................................................................. 048 23 到鋼管廠五區的“小郡肝”總店,去豪放擼串 Eat kebabs at the head store of Xiaojungan in the Area Five of Steel Pipe Plant........................................................................................ 050 24 到沸騰小鎮,感受*壯觀火鍋莊園的激情 Feel the passion of the most spectacular hotpot manor at Feiteng Town ........................................................................................... 052 25 在火車上,燙二仙橋“讓子彈飛”火鍋 Enjoy the “Let the Bullets Fly” hotpot on the train at Erxianqiao.................................................................................... 054 26 到“一品天下”,品新派川菜“大蓉和” Taste the new style Sichuan cuisine at Daronghe in Yipintianxia Street .. 056 27 到紅杏酒家,錯想“紅杏出墻” Visit Hongxing Restaurant to appreciate the poem on apricot ............... 058 28 去“努力餐”,努力嘗嘗老成都的革命伙食 Taste the “revolutionary food” of old Chengdu at the Nulican Restaurant ...... 060 29 在十一街的“蒼蠅館子”,喝跟斗酒擺老實龍門陣 Enjoy the fun of liquor and conversation at “fly restaurants” on the 11th Street......................................................................................... 062 30 扮個學生樣,背著書包去挨家吃遍磨子橋 Dress like a student to visit all the restaurants at Moziqiao..................... 064 31 在中國**家農家樂院子,吃“豆花飯” Eat “tofu pudding rice” in China's first “happy farmhouse” ................... 066 第四章 探一探,冬之溫暖 Start an adventure in a warm winter 32 風起時,在杜甫草堂里聽詩意雄渾 Visit Du Fu Thatched Cottage for the vigorous poetic mood.................. 070 33 以無為之心,采一口青羊宮的道仙之氣 Inhale the inaction spirit of Taoism at Qingyang Temple......................... 072 34 去浣花溪,讀刻在 1400 塊石碑上的杜詩 Appreciate the poems by Du Fu carved on 1,400 stone tablets at Huanhua Stream ..................................................................................... 074 35 二仙庵前,聽小師妹的古琴稀聲 Listen to the rhythm of guqin at Erxian Nunnery..................................... 076 36 在望叢祠走一走,只為聽一聲催春的杜鵑 Listen to the chirping of cuckoos at Wangcong Temple.......................... 078 37 望江樓上望江流,想象自己是個“詩人” Look at the flowing river at Wangjiang Pavilion and picture yourself as a poet .................................................................................................. 080 38 去武侯祠,憑吊風煙三國的“明良千古” Pay tribute to the loyal and righteous ministers of the Three Kingdoms at Wuhou Temple......................................................................................... 082 39 到百花潭,捧著詩卷看傳說中的滄浪之水 Hold a poem volume to view the legendary “Canglang water” at Baihua Pond............................................................................................. 084 40 到龍泉山,眺望西嶺千秋雪 Behold the Xiling Snow Mountain’s everlasting snow.............................. 086 第五章 觸一觸,藝文四季 Explore artistic seasons 41 在“東郊記憶”廢舊工廠車間,看一場甜蜜的音樂劇 Watch a sweet musical in the old factory workshop of "Eastern Suburb Memory".................................................................................................. 090 42 到寬窄巷子的小店,挑一件文創手辦 Visit the shops for favored gifts at Kuanzhaixiangzi................................. 092 43 在無里創意工廠里,自我“創意”一把 Have fun of creation at Wuli Creative Factory ......................................... 094 44 在 321 梵木創意區,哼哼輕快的小調 Hum a light tune in 321 Fanmate Creative Area...................................... 097 45 在 1906 創意工廠的各種門框前,各發一張自拍 Take a photo of yourself in front of the various doorframe at 1906 Creative Factory ............................................................................. 098 46 到水井坊,瞻仰世界上*古老的燒坊 Visit Shuijingfang to admire the world’s oldest distillery ......................... 100 47 在少城視井的小劇場溜達一圈,像模像樣地藝術一回 Walk around the small theater of Cultural Highlands and feel the art..... 102 48 在紅美術館,看現代藝術的新銳造型 Appreciate cutting-edge forms of modern art at Hong Art Gallary ........ 104 49 在琴臺路的套院里看《蜀風雅韻》,然后扮上戲裝照個相 Watch Shu Style and Elegant Charm in the courtyard of Qintai Road, and dress in stage costume to take a picture .......................................... 106 50 在錦繡工場,看盡蜀錦蜀繡的五彩絢麗 Enjoy the colorful and gorgeous Sichuan brocade and embroidery at the Brocade Workshop ........................................................................ 108 第六章 靜一靜,四顧養眼 Immerse yourself in charming scenery 51 到文君故里,聆聽鳳求凰的琴韻 Listen to the melodies of the Male Phoenix Chasing after the Female Phoenix ....................................................................................... 112 52 到邛崍火井鎮,憑吊千古女狀元黃崇嘏,看世界**口天然氣井 Pay homage to the all-time greatest female imperial examination champion Huang Chonggu, and see the world’s first natural gas well....................... 114 53 到升庵桂湖,觀紫藤花開 Witness the blooming wisteria blossoms at Sheng'an Guihu Park .......... 116 54 到云頂古城,想象當年宋元戰場的金戈鐵馬 Imagine the shining spears and armored horses of Song and Yuan Dynasties ......................................................................................... 118 55 在金沙遺址博物館,看 3000 年前的神鳥和面具 Go to Jinsha Site Museum to see the mythical birds and masks from three thousand years ago ........................................................................ 120 56 去成都博物館看一次“網紅”文物展,感受排隊兩小時的火爆 Visit Chengdu Museum for a cultural relics exhibition and feel the 2-hour queue.......................................................................................................122 57 在西村大院,享受一場多孔磚和鋼筋的盛宴 Visit the West Village Yard to have a visual feast of perforated bricks and steel bars.................................................................................................. 124 58 到邛崍“十方堂”遺址,上手體驗邛窯的絢麗三彩 Visit the Shifangtang Site in Qionglai to experience the magnificent Qiong Kiln................................................................................................ 126 59 在建川博物館參觀,看百萬件激動人心的藏品 Marvel at the millions of exciting collections at Jianchuan Museum Settlement ............................................................................................... 128 60 像一個藝術家那樣,去錦江區江家藝苑找靈感 Seek inspiration like an artist at Jiangjia Art Garden in Jinjiang District...................................................................................................... 130 61 把亞洲*大單一建筑——環球中心,當一個藝術品來觀賞 View Asia’s largest single buiding Global Center as a work of art........... 132 62 到涌蓮喝文藝茶,順便“攬一回瓷器活兒” Drink the literature and art tea at Yonglian and “take porcelain work” by the way................................................................................................ 134 63 到棗子巷去養生看中醫,領略針灸拔火罐的快感 Go to Zaozi Lane to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and enjoy the pleasure of acupuncture and cupping ..................................... 136 64 去那家光緒年間創立的點心鋪,品味“協盛隆” Visit the pastry store founded during the period of Emperor Guangxu to taste Xieshenglong (a Sichuan Pastry Shop) ........................ 138 第七章 聽一聽,悅耳聽歌 Indulge in sweet music 65 夜深時,去玉林路盡頭的小酒館打卡,唱一首《成都》 Go to the bistro at the end of Yulin Road in the deep night and sing the song Chengdu ........................................................................... 142 66 到 339 夜店區,去 Panda Club(熊貓俱樂部)搖滾青春 Have fun and rock at Panda Club in the 339 nightclub area ................... 144 67 去可容納 4 萬人的金牛露天音樂公園,記得帶一雙平底鞋 Take a pair of flattie to the Jinniu Outdoor Music Park which can accommodate 40 thousand people......................................................... 146 68 穿上正裝,去迎一場“城市音樂廳”的正式演出 Dress up for a formal performance at the Chengdu City Concert Hall ... 148 69 在四川大劇院,看一場有鹽有味的“人藝”大戲 Watch a wonderful drama by Beijing People’s Art Theatre at Sichuan Theatre..................................................................................................... 150 70 去清流大書房,觀鷺鳥天際翱翔 Go to Qingliu Grand Study to watch egrets flying in the sky .................. 152 第八章 嗅一嗅,竄香撲鼻 Lose yourself in fragrances 71 在華西壩鐘樓前,重溫成都近代的百年舊夢 Relive the century-old dream of Chengdu in front of Huaxiba Bell Tower .................................................................................. 156 72 在都江堰“魚嘴”分流的浪濤之上,抒發千年情懷 Express the sentiments of thousands of years on “the Fish Mouth” Water-dividing Dam of Dujiangyan.......................................................... 158 73 看錦江河邊的銀杏漫天,捧一把落葉金黃在手 View the ginkgo by the Jinjiang River and hold the golden leaves in hand.......................................................................................... 160 74 走過春熙路,嗅一嗅老成都的繁榮氣息 Walk through Chunxi Road and feel the prosperity of old Chengdu ...... 162 75 到成都畫院溜達一圈,于深幽處探梅尋香 Visit Chengdu Art Academy for plum blossoms ...................................... 164 76 順著名氣,去蒲江看明月村新瓷出窯 Visit Moon Village of Pujiang County for the famous new porcelain from the kiln............................................................................................. 166 77 在罨畫池的綠意里,讀出陸游 Read the poem by Lu You in the green Yanhuachi Garden............................ 168 78 定位雙流“空港花田”,開著寶馬去拍婚紗 Drive a BMW to take wedding photographs in the Flower Field of Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport................................................ 170 79 跟著擁擠的人流,去紅砂村看成都人過周末 Follow the crowd to Hongsha Village to join Chengdu people at their weekends................................................................................................. 172 80 到天府綠道騎行,在自行車上感受追風的瀟灑 Riding on the world’s longest Tianfu Greenway in Chengdu................... 174 81 到東安湖體育公園,體驗運動之城新風尚 Dong’an Lake Sports Park - A Must-Visit Spot......................................... 176 第九章 嘗一嘗,舌尖滋味 Challenge your taste buds 82 確認店門后,點一份地道的陳麻婆豆腐下飯 Confirm the restaurant and order an authentic Chenmapo Tofu to go with rice.................................................................................. 180 83 跟著老成都人,去盤飧市品嘗傳說千年的鹵味 Follow the locals to taste the braised food of thousands of years‘ legendary at Pansunshi ................................................................. 182 84 去文殊坊,領略正宗張涼粉的酸辣 Taste the sour and hot of the authentic Zhangliangfen in Wenshufang....... 184 85 去龍抄手,吃遍成都所有的名小吃 Taste all the famous snacks of Chengdu at Longchaoshou Restaurant........ 186 86 在古街上,找尋正宗的“懷遠三絕”美食 Look for the authentic Three Delicacies of Huaiyuan County on the old street ...................................................................................... 188 87 到那個偏僻的老地方,去吃地道的“溫鴨子” Go to that obscure and old place for the authentic Wenyazi .................. 190 88 到 82 信箱,打聽一個叫作“翻窗子”的干拌抄手店 Go to Mailbox 82 community and ask about a wonton restaurant called Fanchuangzi .................................................................................. 192 89 在一碗“魷魚面”中,揣摩成都人的舌尖感覺 Figure out the feeling of Chengdu people’s taste buds from a bowl of squid noodle............................................................................... 194 90 在川菜博物館里,讀懂郫縣豆瓣的“魂”滋味 Feel the special taste of Pixian bean paste at Sichuan Cuisine Museum ...................................................................................... 196 91 在洛帶湖廣會館里,嘗一碗客家人的“傷心涼粉” Taste a bowl of Hakka’s “heart-broken bean jelly” at Huguang Guildhall of Luodai Town ......................................................................... 198 92 在雙流老媽兔頭店里,得把斯文暫收起來 In Shuangliu Laoma Rabbit Head Restaurant, you had better forget about your gentility temporarily .............................................................. 200 第十章 坐一坐,閱讀安身 Experience the joy of reading 93 到賀麟書院,尋找東方黑格爾的啟示 Go to Helin Academy to seek the enlightenment from the “Oriental Hegel”...................................................................................... 204 94 去成都當代影像館,看中國頂級攝影展 Visit Chengdu Contemporary Image Museum and see the top photography exhibition of China............................................................. 206 95 到鐵像寺散花書院,抬頭看日光清閑 Unwind under the sunshine at Sanhua Culture Bookstore of Tiexiang Temple....................................................................................... 208 96 在四川大學門口,喝一杯校園咖啡 Have a cup of campus coffee at the gate of Sichuan University.............. 210 97 用一個下午時光,去體驗鐘書閣的閱讀感 Spend an afternoon on comfortable reading in Zhongshuge Bookstore..... 212 98 在洞穴一樣的方所書店里,當一回書蟲 Be a bookworm in the cave-like bookstore of Fangsuo Commune......... 214 99 到石室中學門口,去瞻仰中國**所官辦學堂的尊容 View the first government-run school of China at the gate of Chengdu Shishi High School .................................. 216 100 到省圖書館 5 樓,捋一捋成都近代文脈 Go to the 5th floor of the Provincial Library to take a look at the lineage of modern culture of Chengdu...................................................................218 101 到巴金家的“雙眼井”,尋找《家》《春》《秋》故事蹤跡 Look for the storylines of Torrent by Ba Jin at the Shuangyan Well of his old residence...................................................................................... 220 102 在“菱窠”的屋檐下喝茶,體味《死水微瀾》的年代背影 Drink tea under the roof of Lingke and explore the background of Ripple on Stagnant Water........................................................................ 222 103 到見山書局小坐,翻一翻流沙河那本《芙蓉秋夢》 Read Autumn Dream of Lotus by Liushahe at Jianshan Bookstore ......... 225 104 在“白夜”酒吧里,感受中國當代前衛詩人的藝術沖動 Feel the impulse of contemporary Chinese avant-garde poets in the White Night Literature Art ............................................................. 226 105 在寶墩書房,把玩天府的文化精致韻味 Appreciate the exquisite cultural charm of Tianfu at Baodun Study ....... 228 106 在“空白”咖啡館,做一次網絡“標簽客” Be a guest posting Internet tags at Blank Cafe ....................................... 230

成都名物 作者簡介

蘇偉,四川成都人,出版《 的羌聲部落》《晃蕩成都》《遇見寬窄巷》《50年代旁白》等十余冊圖書,主編《我想在哪香跡處沉醉》等多冊圖書。 陳超超(籽鹿),女,插畫師,重慶漫畫學會會員,涂鴉王國 插畫師、新浪重慶設計美學簽約作者?,代表作“奇幻重慶”系列。 周駿勇(唯馬),男,插畫師,重慶漫畫學會會員,站酷網推薦插畫師、騰訊原創館推薦插畫師。代表作“記憶重慶”系列。

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