海外館藏中國文物精粹:陶瓷器(英文) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787508546209
- 條形碼:9787508546209 ; 978-7-5085-4620-9
- 裝幀:一般純質紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
海外館藏中國文物精粹:陶瓷器(英文) 本書特色
中華文明源遠流長,每個歷史時期都有杰出的創造。它們所串聯成的中華文明史以及各類歷史遺存,見證了中華民族的創造精神和歷代先賢的聰明才智。 作為中華文明的重要象征,它們有的早在唐代就沿陸路和海路傳播到了許多國家,隨后又通過戰爭、貿易、文化交流和私商等多種方式,流散在世界各地,其中不乏精品和孤品。
海外館藏中國文物精粹:陶瓷器(英文) 內容簡介
海外館藏中國文物精粹:陶瓷器(英文) 目錄
Editorial Notes
IntroduCtion to Ceramics
Painted Pottery Bowl with Human Figure
Painted Pottery in Human Head Shape
Double—Handle Painted Pottery Jar with Gourd Lattice Patterr
Double—-Spout Double·-Handle Painted Pottery Jar
with Triangle Pattern
Painted Pottery,Qijia Cultu re
Bag Legged Li(2 pieces)
Brown Glazed Pottery Pot With Animal Handles
Painted Pottery Granary'Building
Court Lady Figurine
Figurines of Musicians and Dancers(5 pieces)
Caparisoned Horse(2 pieces)
Female Figu rines in Cage Hat and Small Hat(4 pieces)
Figu rine of a Mounted Warrior
Figurine of a Mounted Warrior Carrying a Horn
Mortuary Figures of the Zodiac Signs(2 pieces)
G lazed Pottery Ox Cart
Honor Guard Figu rines(8 pieces)
Camel with Musical lnstruments
Green Glazed Pot with Applique Floral Design
Figu rines Of Hunters on Horseback
Musician Figu rines(9 pieces)
Ewer with I ron—Shaped Hand le
Figurine of a Foreigner with a Bulge Horn
Covered Jar with Blue Pattern
Yellow Glazed Rhyton
Jar with Floral Medallions
Tripod Dish with Flying Goose,Stylized Flowers and Vines
Phoenix—Headed Ewer
Tricolor Jar
Painted Potte ry Horse
Tang Tricolor Warrior Figu rines(2 pieces)
Tang Tricolor Camel Figu rines(3 pieces)
Painted Pottery Figu rines of Polo Players(4 pieces)
Curly—Haired Youth
Figurines of Goat and Human—Headed Bi rds
Tricolor Figu rine of Musical Performer
Tricolor Figu rine of Musical Performer
White Porcelain Pot with a Dish—Shaped Mouth
and Threading Devices
Plate and Vase with Twisted Patterns
Chinese Dish
Bowl with Mandarin Ducks among Leaves and Cattails
Conical Bowl with Peony Scroll
Flower Vase with Dragon Motif
Blue Glaze Vases with Purple Patches
Vase with Carved Peony Design
Vase with Incised Human Figu re Design on
a Pearl—Pattern G round
Covered Bottle·Vase(Meiping)with Children among
Blossoming Vine
Tricolor G lazed Arhat
Figure of a Luohan
Shallow Bowl with Lotus Flower and Leaves
Elongated Bottle Vase(Meiping)with Peony Sp rays
Tripod Incense Bu rne r
Tea Cup with Phoenix,Plum Tree and Paper—Cut Design
Vase with Two Dragon Handles,Longquan ware
Black Glazed Vase with I ron Rust Design
Large Baluster—Shaped Vase
Blue—and—White Pear—Shaped Vase with Cloud Shoulder Design
Bl ue and Wh ite Jar with Story of Characters Design
Blue and White Covered Plum Vase with Story
of Characters Design
Cinder Box—Shaped FIowerpot,Jun ware
Painted Jar with Story of Characters Design
Prunus Vase(Meiping)with Blossoming Lotus
PIum Vase with Convex Twisted Branch and Morning Glory
Design,Yixing ware
Blue and White Jar with Dragon
Ci rcular Dish with Lightly Everted Lip and Decoration
Of Deer in a Landscape
Five—Color Jar with Fish and Algae Design
Overglaze Painted Porcelain Figu re
Overglaze Painted Porcelain Figu res(3 pieces)
Pale Celadon W…OW Leaf Vase
Lang—Kiln Red Vase
Phoenix Tail—Shaped Zun with Flower and Bird Design
Cowpea Red Willow Leaf Vases(a pair),Pale Celadon Vase
with Orange Slice Design
Famille Rose Vase with Landscape and Figu re Design
Painted EnameI Ochre lnk Bowl
Appendix: A Rrief Chrnnoloav of Chinese History
海外館藏中國文物精粹:陶瓷器(英文) 作者簡介