兩種文化之爭 戰(zhàn)后英國的科學、文學與文化政治
藏地風土(西藏民俗趣談)(英文版)/人文西藏 版權(quán)信息
- ISBN:9787508543512
- 條形碼:9787508543512 ; 978-7-5085-4351-2
- 裝幀:一般輕型紙
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
藏地風土(西藏民俗趣談)(英文版)/人文西藏 本書特色
本書以親臨現(xiàn)場的筆觸描繪了西藏民俗的多個方面,體現(xiàn)了青藏高原民族的生活風情和審美情趣,展示了特有的高原風采,演繹出藏族歷史文化的豐厚與變遷。 In this book readers can catch glimpses of real life in China’s Tibet through folk customs in housing, cuisine and apparel; etiquette to follow from birth to death, wedding to funeral; the myriad festivals and recreational activities coming from different backgrounds, and the profound religious beliefs that lead to such folk customs.
藏地風土(西藏民俗趣談)(英文版)/人文西藏 內(nèi)容簡介
西藏民俗是西藏文化的重要組成部分,西藏民俗文化內(nèi)容豐富,民俗形式多姿多彩,飲食、服飾、居住,茶醇酒香、色彩斑斕的西藏生活民俗;誕生禮、婚嫁、喪葬,西藏人生禮儀;民間信仰、苯教信仰、藏傳佛教,神圣時空中的西藏信仰民俗;歲時年節(jié)、生產(chǎn)節(jié)日、宗教節(jié)日、娛樂節(jié)日,時光輪回中的西藏節(jié)日民俗;斗智斗勇、怡情益智的西藏游藝競技,等等。 本書以親臨現(xiàn)場的筆觸描繪了西藏民俗的多個方面,體現(xiàn)了青藏高原民族的生活風情和審美情趣,展示了特有的高原風采,演繹出藏族歷史文化的豐厚與變遷。
藏地風土(西藏民俗趣談)(英文版)/人文西藏 目錄
Tibetan Folk Customs: Splendid painting scroll
rich with the snowy plateau's unique features
Chapter Ⅰ
Mellow tea and fragrant wine amid bright
colours - folk customs in daily life
Chapter Ⅱ
Rituals for spirit and life - folk customs in
a person's life
Rituals upon birth
Customs behind names
Marriage customs
Funeral customs
Chapter Ⅲ
Sacred time and space created in magnificent
imaginations - religious beliefs
Folk beliefs
Bon religion
Tibetan Buddhism
Chapter Ⅳ
Festivals through four seasons bring a sea
of happiness - festival customs
Seasonal festivals
Production festivals
Religious festivals
Recreational festivals
Chapter Ⅴ
Combat of strength and skill to amuse
and cultivate - contests and recreations
Folk contests
Folk recreations
藏地風土(西藏民俗趣談)(英文版)/人文西藏 節(jié)選
As a staple food through all four seasons, zamba is eaten in As a staple food through all four seasons, zamba is eaten in many ways. The most common method is mar-spags, or pinched zamba. Pour hot tea into a wooden or porcelain bowl with a chunk of butter, then add a suitable amount of zamba, with a bit of cheese or white sugar according to taste. Mix the ingredients well with your fingers and pinch it into your mouth. Another common way to eat zamba is skyo-ma-ldags, which is a thin porridge of buttered tea with zamba flour, cheese and white sugar, commonly served at breakfast or in between formal meals. A more complicated form of cooking zamba is thug-pa, also a Tibetan favourite. This is a porridge generally served at dinner and it is made by stewing zamba, diced meat, pieces of dough, radish and other ingredients. When making thug-pa, the flour dough is often kneaded into thin pieces or small chunks. Zamba is also used for bskol-ldan (highland barley wine porridge), a special treat for honoured guests, relatives and friends as well as for festive occasions. It is made by warming highland barley wine, then adding butter, cheese, black sugar and a suitable amount of zamba.
藏地風土(西藏民俗趣談)(英文版)/人文西藏 作者簡介
陳立明,西藏民族大學教授,享受國務院政府特殊津貼專家。長期從事西藏歷史文化的教學和研究工作,十多次在西藏各地進行社會和文化考察,著有《西藏民俗文化》《走入喜馬拉雅叢林——西藏門巴族、珞巴族文化之旅》等多部著作,發(fā)表相關(guān)論文六十余篇。 Professor Chen Liming of Xizang Minzu University in the ancient city of Xianyang is a State Council Expert for Special Allowance. He has been teaching and researching Tibetan history and culture for many years, making special achievements in Himalayan cultures as well as the general history and culture of Tibet. He has published many academic books including Folk Culture in Tibet and A Walle in the Himalayan Forests: Cultural Journ,ey of the Monba and Lhoba Peoples in,Tibet, in addition to more than 60 theses.
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