家門口的大自然系列:奶奶的花園 奶奶的菜園(全2冊)
創意立體紙魔坊玩具書——賽車 作業車
柯林斯英語:提升級:自然拼讀 版權信息
- ISBN:9787571403133
- 條形碼:9787571403133 ; 978-7-5714-0313-3
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
柯林斯英語:提升級:自然拼讀 本書特色
柯林斯英語:提升級:自然拼讀 內容簡介
請讓孩子在安靜而舒適的環境中學習,避免孩子受到干擾。 《柯林斯英語自然拼讀(提升級)》由“Let's learn”和“Let's practice”兩部分組成,前者是內容講解,后者是拓展練習。請先學完知識點再做相應的練習。 讓孩子在自己的分數上涂色,以便他了解自己的表現。 請多表揚和鼓勵孩子,在孩子完成相應的練習后,與孩子一起回顧知識點。
柯林斯英語:提升級:自然拼讀 目錄
Let's learn
Letters s, a and t
Letters p, i and n
Using letters s, a, t, p, i and n
Letters m, d and g
Letters o, c and k
Using letters c, t, n, m, p, a and o
Letters ck and e
Letters u, r and h
Letters b, f and l
Using letters l, g, p, t, r, n, e and a
Letters i, v and w
Letters x, y and z
Using letters r, a, b, t, o, h, n, s, d, i, u and p
Letters ff, ll and ss
Letters zz and qu
ch and sh sounds
th and ng sounds
ai and ee sounds
igh and oa sounds
oo and ar sounds
or and ur sounds
ow and oi sounds
ear and air sounds
ure and er sounds
nk and nd sounds
l blends
r blends
Top 12 words
Let's practice
Missing vowels
Missing last sound
x or cks?
ch, sh or th?
The short e sound
oo words
or, ore, aw and au
Word endings
ng or nk?
ck words
The long e sound
ss or zz?
Rhyming pairs
ll or ff?
ou or ow?
f or ph?
oi or oy?
Rhyming words
Which grapheme? (1)
Words ending in y
Which grapheme? (2)
Vowel sounds after w
Silent letters
The letter c
el, le or al?
ge or dge?
Word endings: y or ey
Compound words
a sounding "or"
Choose an ending
Letters s, a and t
Letters p, i and n
Using letters s, a, t, p, i and n
Letters m, d and g
Letters o, c and k
Using letters c, t, n, m, p, a and o
Letters ck and e
Letters u, r and h
Letters b, f and l
Using letters l, g, p, t, r, n, e and a
Letters i, v and w
Letters x, y and z
Using letters r, a, b, t, o, h, n, s, d, i, u and p
Letters ff, ll and ss
Letters zz and qu
ch and sh sounds
th and ng sounds
ai and ee sounds
igh and oa sounds
oo and ar sounds
or and ur sounds
ow and oi sounds
ear and air sounds
ure and er sounds
nk and nd sounds
l blends
r blends
Top 12 words
Let's practice
Missing vowels
Missing last sound
x or cks?
ch, sh or th?
The short e sound
oo words
or, ore, aw and au
Word endings
ng or nk?
ck words
The long e sound
ss or zz?
Rhyming pairs
ll or ff?
ou or ow?
f or ph?
oi or oy?
Rhyming words
Which grapheme? (1)
Words ending in y
Which grapheme? (2)
Vowel sounds after w
Silent letters
The letter c
el, le or al?
ge or dge?
Word endings: y or ey
Compound words
a sounding "or"
Choose an ending
柯林斯英語:提升級:自然拼讀 作者簡介
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