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包郵 絲路大通道:中歐班列紀行(西文)

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絲路大通道:中歐班列紀行(西文) 版權信息

絲路大通道:中歐班列紀行(西文) 內容簡介

全書圍繞主席提出的“一帶一路”倡議,從互聯互通的角度,展現了中歐班列作為新絲路上的“鋼鐵馱隊”,對促進中歐區域合作,加強亞太和歐洲多個經濟圈的政治互信、經濟融合、文化包容,實現“買優選,賣優選”大格局的重要意義,體現了中歐班列作為“一帶一路”的中國貢獻釋放的絲路紅利。 本書講述了在古絲綢之路的歷史背景及“一帶一路”倡議的現實推動下,依托現有靠前鐵路發展現狀,中歐班列的產生、發展過程及其特點,發展中的困境及解決方案,以及對其發展的反思和前景的預測。項目不僅描寫了中國國境內行駛的中歐班列列車的運營情況,更著眼于靠前大視野,描寫開往境外的,沿途經過哈薩克斯坦、俄羅斯、蒙古國等絲綢之路沿線國家直達歐洲的德國、法國等國家的中歐班列全程行駛運營的細節和境況,講述了中歐班列的精彩故事,生動詮釋了“一帶一路”倡議的互聯互通、打造人類命運共同體的理念。 本書采取報告文學的方式,筆法靈動,圖文并茂,以詳實的資料和豐富的訪談,表現了中歐班列作為“一帶一路”倡議很直接、很現實的載體,承載“中國夢”,賦予新絲路新氣象,造福沿線各國人民的重要“使者”形象。

絲路大通道:中歐班列紀行(西文) 目錄

Introduccien: Xi Jinping y el tren Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europa Capitulo 1 La larga y lejana Ruta de la Seda 1.1 La sabiduria de la Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta La primavera de la Ruta de la Seda Una historia sobre un vaso de agua 1.2 La aparici6n de un coloso, el tren La Ruta de las Especias y el tren Los dos convenios internacionales Capitulo 2 E1 Nuevo Puente Continental que cruza Eurasia 2.1 Los dos grandes puentes continentales euroasiaticos E1 Puente Continental Transiberiano E1 Nuevo Puente Continental de Eurasia Una comparaci6n entre el Puente Continental Transiberiano y el Nuevo Puente Continental de Eurasia 2.2 La linea ferroviaria paneuroasiatica E1 concepto de la linea ferroviaria paneuroasiatica E1 proyecto de Kazajistan China pasa a la acci6n 2.3 Varios corredores que llevan a Europa Tres corredores de transporte ferroviario E1 Corredor Econ6mico China-Mongolia-Rusia Capitulo 3 E1 tren China-Europa ve la luz 3.1 Un tren nacido de los "cinco indicadores fijos" La expansi6n de la ruta se intensifica Los trenes de los "cinco indicadores fijos" sometidos a examen Los trenes internacionales de contenedores sometidos a prueba Una reforma profunda del transporte ferroviario de mercancias 3.2 La gran ruta del tren Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europa La elecci6n de Hewlett-Packard Un recorrido pot tierra hasta Europa La puesta en marcha del tren Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europa E1 transporte de cafe a Europa La teoria del valor del tren Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europa …… Capitulo 4 Un paso adelante por la gran ruta Capitulo 5 E1 "tren de oro" camina hacia la gloria Capitulo 6 E1 crecimiento: problemas y expectativas Epflogo: Bienvenidos a bordo del tren chine Posdata: Mis lazos de amistad con el tren China-Europa

絲路大通道:中歐班列紀行(西文) 作者簡介

王雄,is a member of the Chinese Writers' Association and a renowned scholar of Han River culture.Like many urban educated youth in the 1960-70s, Wang Xiong was sent to work in the countryside for a couple of years before he was employed as a train driver. He served successively as head of the Communications Department of the CPC Committee of Zhengzhou Railway Bureau,deputy head of the Communications Department of the Political Department of the former Ministry of Railways,deputy head of the Communications Department of China Railway Corporation, and Party secretary and president of People's Railway Daily. He is currently chairman of the Chinese Railway Writers' Association and adjunct profes-sor at Southwest Jiaotong University. Wang Xiong began writing literary works in 1989. His output includes short stories, essays, reportage and academic works. Several of his short stories have been reprinted in noted magazines such as Selected Stories. His best known stories include Yin/Yang Monument, The Time-honored Patina, and The fingui Silver Chamber, which are known collectively as "Han River Culture Trilogy." The Time-honored Patina won first prize in the Eighth Annual Chinese Railways Literature Awards, and its English version was published and dis-tributed by Foreign Languages Press within and beyond China. His long reportage work China Speed: Development of China's High-speed Rail was published by Foreign Lan-guages Press in eight languages, namely Chinese, English,French, German, Russian, Japanese, Spanish and Arabic.

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