西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物(純英文):白牙 版權信息
- ISBN:9787568285193
- 條形碼:9787568285193 ; 978-7-5682-8519-3
- 裝幀:簡裝本
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物(純英文):白牙 內容簡介
床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物(純英文):白牙 目錄
Chapter 2 The She-Wolf
Chapter 3 The Hungry Wolves
Chapter 4 The Wolves
Chapter 5 The Cave
Chapter 6 The Little Gray Wolf
Chapter 7 The Wall
Chapter 8 Meat
Chapter 9 The People
Chapter 10 Life with the People
Chapter 11 A Lonely Life
Chapter 12 Finding Gray Beaver
Chapter 13 The Rules
Chapter 14 No Food
Chapter 15 The Enemy of His Kind
Chapter 16 The White Man
Chapter 17 Hate and Violence
Chapter 18 A Dangerous Fight
Chapter 19 Hope
Chapter 20 Love and Kindness
Chapter 21 The Coming Journey
Chapter 22 California
Chapter 23 The Wolf of Sierra Vista
Chapter 24 The Best Wolf
Chapter 25 A True Hero
床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物(純英文):白牙 節選
《床頭燈英語·3000詞讀物(純英文):白牙》: The little wolf had never seen these things before. He was afraid. Soon, he was excited by the new things that he saw, and he forgot to be afraid. He saw things that were close to him and things that were far away. Suddenly, he fell down a hill. His little body rolled and rolled. He hit his nose on the ground, and he began to cry. Because the inside of the cave was flat, he did not understand how the ground could not be flat sometimes. He was very afraid now. The bottom of the hill was covered with soft grass. When the little wolf stopped rolling, he stopped crying. Then he got up and cleaned himself. He looked around again. He was very curious about everything. He looked closely at all of the plants and flowers around him. He saw a squirrel on the ground. When he walked to it, the squirrel saw him. The squirrel was scared, so it ran away. This gave the little wolf some courage and confidence. He then saw a large bird and ran to it. The bird was very angry and hit the little wolf's nose. This hurt the wolf, and he cried again. He cried so loud that the bird flew away. The little wolf discovered meat just outside the cave. He found seven baby birds hidden under a small tree. At first he did not know what they were. They made noises and it scared him. When he realized that they were very little, he had more courage. He touched one of them with his foot. It was very fun. He then smelled them. He put one in his mouth. He could feel it move in his mouth. He felt hungry and he knew that he wanted to eat the baby bird. He closed his mouth and ate the baby bird. He felt the blood in his mouth and it tasted good. After that, he ate the other baby birds. Suddenly, the mother of the birds returned. She saw the little wolf and was very angry. She hit him with her wings. ……
床頭燈英語.3000詞讀物(純英文):白牙 作者簡介
杰克·倫敦(1876-1916),美國著名現實主義作家,生于美國舊金山一個破落的農民家庭。早年當過報童、工人、水手,到過日本,后在美國各地流浪,通過自學成為20世紀初美國的當紅作家。后來他陷入了極端的個人主義和空虛中,因服用過量的嗎啡而去世,終年40歲。 杰克·倫敦很早就接觸進步思想,同時也深受尼采和斯賓塞的影響,他的代表作有《熱愛生命》《野性的呼喚》《馬丁·伊登》等。他的作品突出體現了對人與自然的思考,反映了“人定勝天”“熱愛生命”的積極價值觀,受到世界各國人民的歡迎,在世界文學界享有崇高地位。
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