**章 商業進入“云消費”時代Chapter One Business Enters the Era of “Cloud Consumption”................................................................................. 4
一、什么是“云消費” 1 What is the “cloud
consumption”?........ 4
二、“云消費”的三大基本特征2. Three basic
characteristics of the "cloud consumption" 8
三、“云消費”時代是一個全產業革命的時代3 The era of
"cloud consumption" is an era of all-industry revolution.................................................... 41
第二章 “云消費”時代帶來新的零售革命Chapter Two The Era of Cloud Consumption Brings A New
Retail Revolution........................ 51
一、“云消費”時代的新零售革命1The new retail revolution
in the era of cloud consumption 51
二、電子商務、云計算、大數據應用為“云消費”時代創造基礎2. E-commerce,
cloud computing, and big data applications create the foundation for the era of
cloud consumption 58
三、“云消費”時代零售業面臨三大革命性變化3. The retail
industry faces three revolutionary changes in the era of cloud consumption.............................. 107
第三章 “云消費”時代的主流消費模式Chapter Three The Mainstream Consumption Patterns in the
Era of Cloud Consumption 120
一、從消費行為的變化看生活方式的改變1. Looking at lifestyle
changes on changes in consumption behavior..................................................... 121
二、“云消費”時代的主流消費模式——體驗化、個人化、社群化、實時化2. The
mainstream consumption pattern in the era of cloud consumption—experiencing,
personalization, community and real-time............................................................. 143
第四章 “云消費”時代交易模式的根本性變化Chapter Four Fundamental Changes in the Transaction
Patterns in the Era of Cloud Consumption 182
一、不同經濟發展階段交易模式的變化1 Changes in transaction
patterns in different stages of economic development......................................... 182
二、“云消費”時代的P2P模式2 The P2P
mode in the era of cloud consumption 190
三、“云消費”時代小微企業成長空間增強3The growth of small
and micro enterprises in the era of cloud consumption............................................ 198
第五章 “云消費”時代傳統零售業的變革Chapter Five The Change of Traditional Retail Industry in
the Era of Cloud Consumption 214
一、危機與挑戰1 Crisis and challenges......................... 214
二、零售商的應對2 Retailers’ reponse to the crisis........... 230
三、問題與對策——零售商的出路3 Problems and countermeasures-the
way out for retailers............................................................. 282
第六章 “云消費”時代零售業的發展方向Chapter Six The Development Direction of the Retail
Industry in the Era of Cloud Consumption 304
一、創新個性化商業1 Innovation in personalized
business....... 305
二、從經營商品轉變為經營生活方式2 Shift from commodity
operation to lifestyle operation............................................................. 317
三、從向消費者銷售轉變為消費者俱樂部的成員3 Shifting from a
seller to a member of the consumer club......................................................... 326
四、從整合供應鏈轉變為整合需求鏈4 Transforming from an
integrated supply chain to an integrated demand chain................................................. 330
五、善于“云整合”資源 提升發展速度5 The "cloud integration"
of resources improves development speed........................................................ 341
六、從大企業化向輕量化轉型6 Tansforming from a large
enterprise to a light one 346
第七章 “云消費”時代超市業的變革與探索Chapter Seven The Reform and Exploration of the Supermarket
Industry in the Age of Cloud Consumption 352
一、超市業面臨系列變革1 The supermarket industry is
facing a series of changes 353
二、超市業發展的重點領域2 Key areas of supermarket
industry development 369
第八章 “云消費”時代城市生活服務業的重構Chapter Eight Reconstruction of Urban Life Service Industry
in the Age of Cloud Consumption 375
challenge for the traditional urban life service industry in the era of cloud
consumption..................... 376
二、“零距離、云服務”——“云消費”時代城市生活性服務業的發展方向2 Zero
Distance and Cloud Service——The Development Direction of Urban Life Service
Industry in the Age of Cloud Consumption.................................................. 385
三、城市生活性服務業創新與探索借鑒3 Innovation and
exploration of urban life service industry............................................................. 398
四、實施建議4 Advice on implementation........................ 423
后 記Afterword 427