習近平談治國理政 第四卷
見證中國改革年代:40人的故事(英文) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787119116792
- 條形碼:9787119116792 ; 978-7-119-11679-2
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
見證中國改革年代:40人的故事(英文) 本書特色
★Take a look at one spot on a leopard and you can visualize the whole animal. This book, through life stories of ordinary people, displays a magnificent history of China's reform and opening up. ——Feng Jicai ★A flick of40 years has left an indelible impression in history. A collection of 40 people have outshone in the Chinese nation. 40 years and 40 people. It's a condensed history of reform and opening up. It's a splendid path to achieve national rejuvenation. ——Shan Jixiang ★It is an art to understand China's 40 years of reform and opening up. Horizontally, people can know about China and the world during the 40 years. Vertically, people can grasp the history and depth during the 40 years. Individually, people can understand the life and thought of the 40 people during the 40 years. ——Mo Yan
見證中國改革年代:40人的故事(英文) 內容簡介
見證中國改革年代:40人的故事(英文) 目錄
Liu Xianlin: Bringing Earth Home
Zhao Qizheng: A Performer of Pudong Symphony
Feng Jicai: A Staunch Guardian of Culture
Yan Jinchang: A Pioneer of Xiaogang Village
Long Yongtu: A Pioneer for Chinas Accesion into the WTO
Zhao Derun: A Journalist Who Never Gets Old
Wen Yuankai: Tailblazing Through Reform and Opening Up for Four Decades
Roger T.Ames: A Foreign Professor Teaching Chinese Philosophy for 40 Years
Xu Yifa: The Man Behind the Wheel of Four Different Locomotives
Ye Xiaowen: One Who Keeps Pace with the Time
Du Shaozhong: A Weibo Oficial Who Takes the Path Less Traveled
Shan Jixiang: Palace Guardian Reopens the Palace
Mo Yan: Coming from a Sorghum Field
Fan Xi'an's 24-hour Bookstore
Meng Xianming's Ballad
Du Yue: Connecting to the World Along with China
Wllam Brown's Afection for China as "The First Foreign Residentin Xiamen
Kong Xiaoning: Undying Love for the Polar Regions
Zhang Yongping: The One Who Created The No.1 Foreigner-oriented Market in China
Wu Weishan: Tiding Over to the New Era on a Sculpting Journey in Pace with the Times
The Flower Growers of the Meng Family: Dedicated to Only One Type of Flower for a Lifetime
Ma Yun: A Chinese Entrepreneur and Businessman Who Mastered the 〝Open Sesame〞to the World
Zhu Zhengfu: The Mision and Duty of a Lawyer
Lei Zairong: Legend of a "Garbage King"
Han Yuhai: A"Big Issue" Researcher in an Era of Reform
Luo Hong: A Chinese Entrepreneur's Life of Three Styles
Li Wanjun: Facilitating the Chinese Dream with a Welding Torch
Li Ya: The Path of Entrepreneurship for New Media Practitioners
Pan Jianwei: A Father's Passion and Love for the Country-"A Father of Quantum"
Li Jianhua: A Builder and Witness of Three Air Gateways
Wang Xin: Producing Safe and Healthy Food
Dong Qing: A Chinese Story of the "Face of China"
Zhang Juncheng: The 〝Picture of a Tower, a Lake,and a Library〞 That Altered His Prospects in Life
Cheng Wei's 〝Oars〞
Hai Qing: An Actress' Road to Charity
Zhang Daming:"It's the Right Choice to Go with the Pace of the Times"
Liu Wei: The First Cyberspace Writer to Earn One Million Yuan a Year
Yao Ming: Three-time Transformation for This Chinese Basketball Player
Qin Yuefei: A Village Official from Yale University
見證中國改革年代:40人的故事(英文) 節選
《見證中國改革年代:40人的故事(英文)》: Witnessing the Evolvement of China's Railway The backbreaking and sweat-drenching coal-shoveling experience did not drain the passion that drove Xu on board in the First place. Instead, Xu constantly adapted himself to the constantly upgrading locomotive equipment and the new environment and was always prepared to acquire new skills. The sweat and tears Xu shed in pursuit of his dream, nurtured him into a future all-round driver. In 1973, Xu, at the age of 24, was transferred to Zhengzhou Locomotive Depot as an assistant driver. It was not until then that Xu had had the chance to practice his train driving skills. He drove the domestically manufactured No. 118 "Renmin Hao" (People) steam train carrying tens of thousands of passengers, shuttling between Zhengzhou and Sanmenxia Gorge. In the mid-1970s, the Zhengzhou Railway adopted the more efficient internal combustion locomotive for energy-saving purpose, which gave Xu a chance to drive a diesel locomotive for the first time by the end of 1975. Xu then became one of the First "acting drivers" inside Zhengzhou Locomotive Depot, finally settling in the driving seat. With steam locomotives replaced by diesel ones, the work of train drivers also experienced drastic changes. The crew compartment onboard became brighter and more spacious, giving driver a wider view while operating the train. Fireman was no longer needed as there was no furnace to shovel coal and add water into. But Xu was soon faced with a new challenge-how to familiarize himself with the internal combustion locomotive both inside and our. To qualify himself for his role, every day after work, Xu would bury himselfin coundess diesel locomotive textbooks and circuit diagrams-often burning the midnight oil. Before long, Xu had mastered the operation of the diesel locomotive as well as its principles, plus the skills to handle common failures or mishaps with high proficiency. China's reform and opening up policy in 1990 provided the soil for the burgeoning of the country's railway industry. Even though Xu was already 41 years old back then, age didn't stop him from elevating himself and becoming an electric locomotive driver. That very same year, Zhengzhou Locomotive Depot was electrified, enabling the use of electrically powered "Shaoshan" Model locomotive on the Beijing- Guangzhou Railway. The railway was also upgraded into seamless steel rail, drastically reducing any noise or jolting during operation and thus improving passenger experience. At the time, Xu served as the Director of the Zhengzhou Locomotive Depot. To familiarize himself with his job, he used to accompany his train drivers on their journeys, whereby he would acquire new skills and even obtain his license for driving electric trains. He also tried to drive the train himself during test runs to check its performance levels. Xu marveled, "when I was still a driver on diesel train, the engine roared so loud that I fell like I was going to be deafened by it. And the interior of the carriages also looked oily and black because of the fuel. The new electric train runs smoother, doesn't malfunction all the time and is much quieter! The carriage also looks neat and tidy; and it actually pleases the eyes." ……
見證中國改革年代:40人的故事(英文) 作者簡介
嚴冰,人民日報海外版記者部主任、高級記者。作品曾獲“關注森林獎”等新聞獎項,率領的團隊曾獲“全國青年文明號”等命名。 出版的主要著作:《我當上了列車員》(作者、中國鐵道出版社)、《你好,一帶一路》(主編、人民出版社)、《學習關鍵詞》(策劃、人民出版社)、《犀利的中國》(策劃、人民日報出版社)。主要新聞報道:《人民日報》頭版頭條《大西北再架鋼鐵道》《大漠風塵別有情》;《人民日報·海外版》頭版頭條《關山萬里走京九》《千秋功業千秋事》《硝煙漸盡思悠遠》;《人民日報·海外版》12個整版“微觀中國”長篇系列報道。
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