西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
中國共產黨叢書-中國共產黨如何決策(英) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787508541921
- 條形碼:9787508541921 ; 978-7-5085-4192-1
- 裝幀:一般輕型紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
中國共產黨叢書-中國共產黨如何決策(英) 本書特色
中國共產黨一路走來,從小到大、從弱到強,尤其是改革開放以來,帶領中國人民奮勇拼搏,取得舉世矚目的輝煌成就。從根上來看,這與黨的有效決策密不可分。本書用“一個導向、六根支柱”的框架結構來闡述黨是如何進行有效決策的故事,讓國際社會真正了解共產黨決策是科學、民主的,尤其是有效、合理的。 The CPC has led the Chinese people to turn an initially economically-weak PRC into the second largest economy in the world. All this is widely held to be the clear result of the CPC’s effective policy making. This book explains how the CPC has developed effective decision-making, and is designed to enable the international community to see how all the decisions made by the CPC in a democratic and reasonable way are genuinely scientific and effective.
中國共產黨叢書-中國共產黨如何決策(英) 內容簡介
中國共產黨一路走來,從小到大、從弱到強,尤其是改革開放以來,帶領中國人民奮勇拼搏,取得舉世矚目的輝煌成就。從根上來看,這與黨的有效決策密不可分。本書用“一個導向、六根支柱”的框架結構來闡述黨是如何進行有效決策的故事,讓國際社會真正了解共產黨決策是科學、民主的,尤其是有效、合理的。 The CPC has led the Chinese people to turn an initially economically-weak PRC into the second largest economy in the world. All this is widely held to be the clear result of the CPC's effective policy making. This book explains how the CPC has developed effective decision-making, and is designed to enable the international community to see how all the decisions made by the CPC in a democratic and reasonable way are genuinely scientific and effective.
中國共產黨叢書-中國共產黨如何決策(英) 目錄
中國共產黨叢書-中國共產黨如何決策(英) 作者簡介
沈傳亮,教授、博士研究生導師,現供職于中共中央黨校黨史部,主要從事中共黨史黨建研究,中共決策理論與實踐研究,已出版《決策中國:改革開放以來中國共產黨決策體制歷史演進》等專著8部。主持或參與國家社科基金重點課題、重大課題十多項,發表論文百余篇。 Shen Chuanliang is a professor and doctoral supervisor currently working in the Party History Department of the Party School of the CPC. He is mainly engaged in the study of the CPC’s history, and the theory and practice of its decision-making. He has published seven monographs, such as China’s Decision-making: The Historical Evolution of the Decision-making System of the CPC since the Reform and Opening-Up. He has presided over or participated in more than 10 key and major projects of the National Social Science Fund, and published more than 100 papers.
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