人際關系管理理論視閾下紅樓夢委婉語語用研究 版權信息
- ISBN:9787513016506
- 條形碼:9787513016506 ; 978-7-5130-1650-6
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
人際關系管理理論視閾下紅樓夢委婉語語用研究 本書特色
《紅樓夢》里的委婉語怎樣應用在今天的社會生活 《紅樓夢》里的委婉語的現實意義
人際關系管理理論視閾下紅樓夢委婉語語用研究 內容簡介
在中國,保全面子的工作是典型的防止沖突的機制,而關系管理理論的基礎和核心內容恰好與中國人重視人際關系、關注面子的傳統觀念不謀而合。因此,《人際關系管理理論視閾下紅樓夢委婉語語用研究(英文版)》以海倫·斯賓塞-歐迪(Helen Spencer-Oatey)的人際關系管理理論為框架,從語用學的角度對《紅樓夢》人物話語中的委婉語進行探討和研究。基于小說中復雜而嚴格的社會與家庭的等級觀念和權勢關系,本研究以權勢作為變量,綜合其他影響性因素如關系取向、信息內容、參與者之間的關系、交際活動以及關系管理的結果等,對于人物話語中的委婉語展開分析。
人際關系管理理論視閾下紅樓夢委婉語語用研究 目錄
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Questions for the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Methodology
1.6 Collection of Euphemisms
1.7 Organization of the Book
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Fundamentals Revisited
2.2.1 Indirectness, Grice's CP & CI and Leech's PP
2.2.2 Face, Facework, Brown & Levinson's Face Theory and Gu's PP
2.3 Euphemism
2.3.1 Definitions
2.3.2 Origin of Euphemism
2.4 Studies of Euphemism in Retrospect
2.4.1 Studies of Euphemism Abroad
2.4.2 Studies of Euphemism at Home
2.5 Studies of Euphemisms in DRM
2.6 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework:Rapport Management
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Components of Rapport Management
3.2.1 Quality Face and Identity Face
3.2.2 Equity Rights and Association Rights
3.3 Rapport-Threatening Behavior: Managing Face and Sociality Rights
3.4 Rapport-Management Strategy Domains
3.5 Factors Influencing Strategy Use
3.5.1 Rapport Orientation
3.5.2 Contextual Variables
3.5.3 Pragmatic Conventions
3.6 Rapport Management Outcomes
3.7 Summary
Chapter Four Description and Categorization of Euphemisms in DRM
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Conventional Euphemisms
4.2.1 Devil and Disaster
4.2.2 Death and Funeral Affairs
4.2.3 Disease and IU Health
4.2.4 Sex
4.2.5 Excreta and Secretion
4.2.6 Pregnancy and Birth
4.2.7 Ageing
4.2.8 Love and Affection
4.2.9 Marriage and Concubinage
4.2.10 Women's Jealousy in Love
4.2.11 Address Terms for Interpersonal Relations
4.2.12 Servants and Housemaids
4.2.13 Personal Names Regarded as Taboos
4.2.14 Moral Standing and Disposition
4.2.15 Buddhist Practice and Buddhist Practitioner
4.3 Situational Euphemisms
4.3.1 Euphemisms with Semantic Fuzziness
4.3.2 Euphemisms with Syntactical Devices
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Demonstration Analysis of Euphemisms in DRM
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Power
5.3 Social Power Relations
5.3.1 The Absolute Royal Power
5.3.2 Social Unequals
5.4 Familial Power Relations
5.4.1 Unequal Kinship
5.4.2 Master-Servant Relations
5.5 Summary
Chapter Six Discussions
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Rapport Management and Euphemisms in DRM
6.2.1 Quality Face and Euphemisms
6.2.2 Identity Face and Euphemisms
6.2.3 Equity Rights and Euphemisms
6.2.4 Association Rights and Euphemisms
6.3 A Comparative and Contrastive Analysis of Related Theories and Principles
6.3.1 Grice's CP & CI and Spencer-Oatey's Rapport
6.3.2 Leech's PP and Spencer-Oatey's Rapport
6.3.3 Brown & Levinson's Face Theory and Spencer-Oatey's Rapport
6.3.4 Gu Yueguo's PP and Spencer-Oatey's Rapport
6.4 Non-use of Euphemisms
6.5 Li and Politeness
6.6 Summary
Chapter Seven Condusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Findings
7.3 Implications
7.4 Limitations and Suggestions
人際關系管理理論視閾下紅樓夢委婉語語用研究 作者簡介
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