一個青年藝術家的畫像-音頻-英文原著插圖中文導讀 版權信息
- ISBN:9787119109718
- 條形碼:9787119109718 ; 978-7-119-10971-8
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
一個青年藝術家的畫像-音頻-英文原著插圖中文導讀 內容簡介
一個青年藝術家的畫像-音頻-英文原著插圖中文導讀 目錄
第二章 Chapter 2
第三章 Chapter 3
第四章 Chapter 4
第五章 Chapter 5
一個青年藝術家的畫像-音頻-英文原著插圖中文導讀 節選
-And very bad language ifyou ask me, said Mr Dedalus coolly. -Simon! Simon! said uncle Charles. The boy. -Yes, yes, said Mr Dedalus. I meant about the...I was thinking about the bad language of the railway porter. Well now, that's all right. Here, Stephen, show me your plate, old chap. Eat away now. Here. He heaped up the food on Stephen's plate and served uncle Charles and Mr Casey to large pieces of turkey and splashes of sauce. Mrs Dedalus was eating little and Dante sat with her hands in her lap. She was red in the face. Mr Dedalus rooted with the carvers at the end ofthe dish and said: -There's a tasty bit here we call the pope's nose. If any lady or gentleman... He held a piece of fowl up on the prong of the carving fork. Nobody spoke. He put it on his own plate, saying: -Well, you can't say but you were asked. I think I had better eat it myself because I'm not well in my health lately. He winked at Stephen and, replacing the dish-cover, began to eat again. There was a silence while he ate. Then he said: -Well now, the day kept up fine after all. There were plenty of strangers down too. Nobody spoke. He said again: -I think there were more strangers down than last Christmas. He looked round at the others whose faces were bent towards their plates and, receiving no reply, waited for a moment and said bitterly: -Well, my Christmas dinner has been spoiled anyhow. -There could be neither luck nor grace, Dante said, in a house where there is no respect for the pastors of the church. Mr Dedalus threw his knife and fork noisily on his plate. -Respect! he said. Is it for Billy with the lip or for the tub of guts up in Armagh? Respect! -Princes of the church, said Mr Casey with slow scorn. -Lord Leitrim's coachman, yes, said Mr Dedalus. -They are the Lord's anointed, Dante said. They are an honour to their country. -Tub of guts, said Mr Dedalus coarsely. He has a handsome face, mind you, in repose. You should see that fellow lapping up his bacon and cabbage of a cold winter's day. O Johnny! He twisted his features into a grimace of heavy bestiality and made a lapping noise with his lips. - Really, Simon, you should not speak that way before Stephen. It's not right. -O.he'II remember all this when he grows up, said Dante hotly -the language he heard against God and religion and priests in his own home. -Let him remember too, cried Mr Casey to her from across the table, the language with which the priests and the priests' pawns broke Pamell's heart and hounded him into his grave. Let him remember that too when he grows up. -Sons of bitches! cried Mr Dedalus. When he was down they turned on him to betray him and rend him like rats in a sewer. Low-Iived dogs! And they look it! By Chrst, they look it! ……
一個青年藝術家的畫像-音頻-英文原著插圖中文導讀 作者簡介
詹姆斯·喬伊斯(James Joyce,1882-1941),愛爾蘭作家、詩人,二十世紀*偉大的作家之一,后現代文學的奠基者之一,其作品及“意識流”思想對世界文壇影響巨大。代表作品《尤利西斯》《芬尼根的守靈夜》《一個青年藝術家的畫像》。
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