縣中的孩子 中國縣域教育生態(tài)
西域歷史語言研究集刊-第八輯 版權(quán)信息
- ISBN:9787030461292
- 條形碼:9787030461292 ; 978-7-03-046129-2
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
西域歷史語言研究集刊-第八輯 本書特色
西域歷史語言研究集刊-第八輯 內(nèi)容簡介
西域歷史語言研究集刊-第八輯 目錄
馮其庸先生西域論著目録 高海英 編( 1)
文本中的歷史:藏傳佛教文本的形成及其歷史傳統(tǒng)的創(chuàng)建——兼回顧和評論近年來西方學界的藏學研究成果 侯浩然( 3)
北大簡《老子》釋文指瑕 華建光( 61)
“海”和“海子”:“北中”語言現(xiàn)象 王子今( 69)
對人的狩獵:比較優(yōu)勢視野下的內(nèi)亞戰(zhàn)爭技術(shù)與軍事傳統(tǒng) 常 彧( 81)
再議胡服騎射 常 彧( 103)
烏孫古讀考 杜旭初( 123)
“嗻”字語源考 儲泰松( 127)
《法華經(jīng)陀羅尼品》梵漢對音所反映的隋唐漢語聲調(diào) 尉遲治平( 139)
從梵文字母表的音譯漢字看古代漢語的聲調(diào) 聶鴻音( 159)
南朝宋齊譯經(jīng)對音的漢語音系初探 劉廣和( 167)
再談梵漢對音與“借詞音系學”的幾個問題 施向東( 181)
從漢越語看中古漢語梗攝有舌面音韻尾之可能性 高永安( 191)
梵漢對勘在漢譯佛典語法研究中的價值 龍國富( 201)
早期大乘佛典書面流傳舉證:“梵志”與“樓至” 姜南( 215)
提雲(yún)般若譯《智炬陀羅尼》咒語對音研究 李建強( 225)
梵漢對勘“不空羂索咒”——以闍那崛多與菩提流志的漢譯為中心 陸辰葉( 235)
義凈譯《佛說大孔雀明王經(jīng)》中的唐代北方方言聲母系統(tǒng) 王思齊( 257)
一件新出于闐語世俗文書 荻原裕敏( 265)
巴楚縣文物管理所藏龜茲語木簡與據(jù)史德語陶罐肩部銘刻喀什地區(qū)巴楚縣文物管理所北京大學中國古代史研究中心中國人民大學國學院西域歷史語言研究所( 273)
暾欲谷碑所見古突厥文詞彙“騰格里”()釋讀 蘇龍格德勒胡日查巴特爾( 285)
《大乘要道密集》篇目解題 沈衛(wèi)榮( 297)
西夏文《能照無明》考釋 孫伯君( 333)
公哥寧卜所造《續(xù)部總安立》譯註 楊傑( 349)
漢譯《〈吉祥喜金剛本續(xù)王〉後分註疏》第二品文本解讀 安海燕( 363)
尼古瑪六法略述 索朗卓瑪( 411)
西藏甘丹彭措林寺色究竟天殿壁畫內(nèi)容辨識與研究 閆雪( 421)
tibetan buddhism meets protestant christianity: a memorandum of conversations of mā yang pa ita with cecil h. polhill near xining, qinghai, on january 14-16, 1890 leonard w.j. van der kuijp(443)
local and trans-local beings: the cult of guandi in tibet zhang fan(483)
乾隆帝御用藏密瑜伽修行寶典《究竟定》編譯背景考——附論乾隆帝的藏傳佛教信仰安海燕( 505)
御製四體合璧《重修正定隆興大佛寺記》碑——章嘉國師、文本及多語體翻譯 孫鵬浩石巖剛哈斯朝魯( 523)
清代克什克騰旗的兩幅遊牧圖 烏雲(yún)畢力格王曦( 535)
清朝征服汗哈屯烏梁海資料評析與史實考述 特爾巴衣爾( 545)
老滿洲文字音考 莊 聲( 555)
拉達克協(xié)助清朝緝拿大小和卓考述 陳柱( 593)
謝恩——西藏史研究回顧 佐藤長 著沈衛(wèi)榮 譯( 621)
《西域歷史語言研究集刊》第八輯作者名錄 (635)
catalogues of works on the western regions of china by feng qiyong gao haiying(1)
rethinking of the tibetan “dark age”: formatation of tibetan tantric buddhism and its role in reconstructing tibetan history hou haoran(3)
critical remarks on the textual interpretation of laozi(老子) on the bamboo slips preserved at peking universityhua jianguang(61)
“hai” and “haizi”: a linguistic analysis of the “beizhong” regional dialect wang zijin(69)
“man-hunting”: the inner asian war technology and military tradition in the view of comparative advantage chang yu(81)
on the military reforms of king wu-ling of zhaochang yu(103)
notes on the etymology of the ethnonym wusun du xuchu(123)
the study of the etymology of “zhe(嗻) ”chu taisong(127)
the chinese tones during the sui and tang dynasties as represented by the tran******ion from the yuchi zhiping(139)
ancient chinese intonation reflected in the tran******ion of sanskrit alphabet nie hongyin(159)
a preliminary study of chinese phonology of tran******ions in the song and qi dynasties liu guanghe(167)
the inter-phonological principle of chinese tran******ions of the sanskrit words shi xiangdong(181)
the mediaeval chinese had a pair of palatal endings: the evidence from sino-annamese gao yong’an(191)
value of the comparative study of chinese buddhist texts translated from sanskrit buddhist texts in grammar long guofu(201)
evidences in support of the written spread tradition of the early mahāyāna buddhist scriptures: fanzhi(梵志) and louzhi(樓至) jiang nan(215)
the study of the tran******ion of j.ānolkā dhāra.ī translated by devendrapraj.a li jianqiang(225)
a sanskrit-chinese comparative analysis of amoghap : focus on the chinese translations of j.anagupta and bodhirucilu chenye(235)
the initial system of the tang dynasty in northern china reflected by foshuo dakongque mingwang jing《佛說大孔雀明王經(jīng)》 translated by yijing(義凈)
wang siqi(257)
a newly found khotanese secular document ogihara hirotoshi(265)
kuchean wooden tablets and tumshuqese in******ion engraved on a pottery kept in the bureau of cultural relics of bachu area bureau of cultural relics of bachu area;center for research on ancient chinese history, peking university;institute for historical and philological studies of china’s western regions,school of chinese classics, renmin university of china(273)
“tengri” in tonyükük in******ion: translation and studysolonggod hurcabaatur(285)
a de******ive catalogue of texts included in dacheng yaodao miji shen weirong(297)
a textual study on the tangut version of nengzhao wuming sun bojun(333)
annotated translation of kun dga’ snying po’s rgyud sde spyi’i rnam bzhag yang jie(349)
on the chinese translation of the second part of the hevajra-tantrarāja-nāma(ⅱ ) an haiyan(363)
a brief discussion on niguma’ s life and teachingsonam drolma(411)
the identification and study of the murals in ’og min lha khang of dga’ ldan phun tshogs gling monastery in tibetyan xue(421)
tibetan buddhism meets protestant christianity: a memorandum of conversations of mā yang pa ita with cecil h. polhill near xining, qinghai, on january 14-16, 1890 leonard w.j. van der kuijp(443)
local and trans-local beings: the cult of guandi in tibet zhang fan(483)
textual study on the compilation of jiujing ding: a yogic practice manual personally used by emperor qianlong with a discussion of his belief in tibetan buddhis an haiyan(505)
the 1780 quadrilin
馮其庸先生西域論著目録 高海英 編( 1)
文本中的歷史:藏傳佛教文本的形成及其歷史傳統(tǒng)的創(chuàng)建——兼回顧和評論近年來西方學界的藏學研究成果 侯浩然( 3)
北大簡《老子》釋文指瑕 華建光( 61)
“海”和“海子”:“北中”語言現(xiàn)象 王子今( 69)
對人的狩獵:比較優(yōu)勢視野下的內(nèi)亞戰(zhàn)爭技術(shù)與軍事傳統(tǒng) 常 彧( 81)
再議胡服騎射 常 彧( 103)
烏孫古讀考 杜旭初( 123)
“嗻”字語源考 儲泰松( 127)
《法華經(jīng)陀羅尼品》梵漢對音所反映的隋唐漢語聲調(diào) 尉遲治平( 139)
從梵文字母表的音譯漢字看古代漢語的聲調(diào) 聶鴻音( 159)
南朝宋齊譯經(jīng)對音的漢語音系初探 劉廣和( 167)
再談梵漢對音與“借詞音系學”的幾個問題 施向東( 181)
從漢越語看中古漢語梗攝有舌面音韻尾之可能性 高永安( 191)
梵漢對勘在漢譯佛典語法研究中的價值 龍國富( 201)
早期大乘佛典書面流傳舉證:“梵志”與“樓至” 姜南( 215)
提雲(yún)般若譯《智炬陀羅尼》咒語對音研究 李建強( 225)
梵漢對勘“不空羂索咒”——以闍那崛多與菩提流志的漢譯為中心 陸辰葉( 235)
義凈譯《佛說大孔雀明王經(jīng)》中的唐代北方方言聲母系統(tǒng) 王思齊( 257)
一件新出于闐語世俗文書 荻原裕敏( 265)
巴楚縣文物管理所藏龜茲語木簡與據(jù)史德語陶罐肩部銘刻喀什地區(qū)巴楚縣文物管理所北京大學中國古代史研究中心中國人民大學國學院西域歷史語言研究所( 273)
暾欲谷碑所見古突厥文詞彙“騰格里”()釋讀 蘇龍格德勒胡日查巴特爾( 285)
《大乘要道密集》篇目解題 沈衛(wèi)榮( 297)
西夏文《能照無明》考釋 孫伯君( 333)
公哥寧卜所造《續(xù)部總安立》譯註 楊傑( 349)
漢譯《〈吉祥喜金剛本續(xù)王〉後分註疏》第二品文本解讀 安海燕( 363)
尼古瑪六法略述 索朗卓瑪( 411)
西藏甘丹彭措林寺色究竟天殿壁畫內(nèi)容辨識與研究 閆雪( 421)
tibetan buddhism meets protestant christianity: a memorandum of conversations of mā yang pa ita with cecil h. polhill near xining, qinghai, on january 14-16, 1890 leonard w.j. van der kuijp(443)
local and trans-local beings: the cult of guandi in tibet zhang fan(483)
乾隆帝御用藏密瑜伽修行寶典《究竟定》編譯背景考——附論乾隆帝的藏傳佛教信仰安海燕( 505)
御製四體合璧《重修正定隆興大佛寺記》碑——章嘉國師、文本及多語體翻譯 孫鵬浩石巖剛哈斯朝魯( 523)
清代克什克騰旗的兩幅遊牧圖 烏雲(yún)畢力格王曦( 535)
清朝征服汗哈屯烏梁海資料評析與史實考述 特爾巴衣爾( 545)
老滿洲文字音考 莊 聲( 555)
拉達克協(xié)助清朝緝拿大小和卓考述 陳柱( 593)
謝恩——西藏史研究回顧 佐藤長 著沈衛(wèi)榮 譯( 621)
《西域歷史語言研究集刊》第八輯作者名錄 (635)
catalogues of works on the western regions of china by feng qiyong gao haiying(1)
rethinking of the tibetan “dark age”: formatation of tibetan tantric buddhism and its role in reconstructing tibetan history hou haoran(3)
critical remarks on the textual interpretation of laozi(老子) on the bamboo slips preserved at peking universityhua jianguang(61)
“hai” and “haizi”: a linguistic analysis of the “beizhong” regional dialect wang zijin(69)
“man-hunting”: the inner asian war technology and military tradition in the view of comparative advantage chang yu(81)
on the military reforms of king wu-ling of zhaochang yu(103)
notes on the etymology of the ethnonym wusun du xuchu(123)
the study of the etymology of “zhe(嗻) ”chu taisong(127)
the chinese tones during the sui and tang dynasties as represented by the tran******ion from the yuchi zhiping(139)
ancient chinese intonation reflected in the tran******ion of sanskrit alphabet nie hongyin(159)
a preliminary study of chinese phonology of tran******ions in the song and qi dynasties liu guanghe(167)
the inter-phonological principle of chinese tran******ions of the sanskrit words shi xiangdong(181)
the mediaeval chinese had a pair of palatal endings: the evidence from sino-annamese gao yong’an(191)
value of the comparative study of chinese buddhist texts translated from sanskrit buddhist texts in grammar long guofu(201)
evidences in support of the written spread tradition of the early mahāyāna buddhist scriptures: fanzhi(梵志) and louzhi(樓至) jiang nan(215)
the study of the tran******ion of j.ānolkā dhāra.ī translated by devendrapraj.a li jianqiang(225)
a sanskrit-chinese comparative analysis of amoghap : focus on the chinese translations of j.anagupta and bodhirucilu chenye(235)
the initial system of the tang dynasty in northern china reflected by foshuo dakongque mingwang jing《佛說大孔雀明王經(jīng)》 translated by yijing(義凈)
wang siqi(257)
a newly found khotanese secular document ogihara hirotoshi(265)
kuchean wooden tablets and tumshuqese in******ion engraved on a pottery kept in the bureau of cultural relics of bachu area bureau of cultural relics of bachu area;center for research on ancient chinese history, peking university;institute for historical and philological studies of china’s western regions,school of chinese classics, renmin university of china(273)
“tengri” in tonyükük in******ion: translation and studysolonggod hurcabaatur(285)
a de******ive catalogue of texts included in dacheng yaodao miji shen weirong(297)
a textual study on the tangut version of nengzhao wuming sun bojun(333)
annotated translation of kun dga’ snying po’s rgyud sde spyi’i rnam bzhag yang jie(349)
on the chinese translation of the second part of the hevajra-tantrarāja-nāma(ⅱ ) an haiyan(363)
a brief discussion on niguma’ s life and teachingsonam drolma(411)
the identification and study of the murals in ’og min lha khang of dga’ ldan phun tshogs gling monastery in tibetyan xue(421)
tibetan buddhism meets protestant christianity: a memorandum of conversations of mā yang pa ita with cecil h. polhill near xining, qinghai, on january 14-16, 1890 leonard w.j. van der kuijp(443)
local and trans-local beings: the cult of guandi in tibet zhang fan(483)
textual study on the compilation of jiujing ding: a yogic practice manual personally used by emperor qianlong with a discussion of his belief in tibetan buddhis an haiyan(505)
the 1780 quadrilin
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