chapte 1 城市的守護天使——巴里01 i miss my mom.我想媽媽。.......................................... 00202 you ae diffeent, e youself and potect the city.你與眾不同,相信自己,保護這座城市。................ 01203 what do you think aout the flash?你覺得閃電俠怎么樣?................................ 02204 iis, i cae aout you and i love you.艾瑞絲,我關心你,我愛你。.......................... 03205 i just...i kept it in.我只是一直藏在心里。................................ 04406 you need a little saving, too.你也需要被拯救。.................................... 05407 i want to save my mom.我想救我媽媽。...................................... 06208 but that’s when you need you fiends to have you ack.但你正需要朋友幫你撐腰。............................ 072chapte 2 正義的化身——喬09 you ae my child, bay.你是我的孩子,巴里。................................ 08410 because you elieve in my son.因為你相信我兒子。.................................. 09611 what i do is good fo you.我所做的都是為了你好。.............................. 10812 i need my bay allen.我需要我的巴里。.................................... 11813 vey good, detective.非常好,警探。...................................... 13214 i 'm a cop. i 'm good at eading people.我是警察。我很會觀察人。............................ 14215 he almost had me elieving in him.我就差點被他騙了。.................................. 15216 please do not include them until we can e sue.我們沒有確定之前千萬別告訴他們。.................... 162chapte 3 看事透徹,理智——威爾斯博士17 what is impotant is you.重要的是你。........................................ 17418 it will hut anyone, and in paticula, bay allen.這武器能傷害任何人,尤其是巴里 艾倫。............... 18419 impessive fo a man without the use of his legs.即使沒有了雙腿,你還是很厲害。...................... 19420 we will do whateve we can to suppot you.我們會盡一切可能幫助你。............................ 20621 ange, hate, aggession.憤怒,仇恨,攻擊。.................................. 21822 have fun letting him in on that one.祝你能夠讓他安然接受。.............................. 22823 now, you ae an incedile cleve guy.你是個非常聰明的人。................................ 23824 oh, we will face each othe again.我們會再次面對彼此的。.............................. 248chapte 4 全力輔助巴里保護城市的配角們——奧利弗、艾瑞絲、西斯科、凱特琳、艾迪25 you can always talk to me.你隨時可以對我說。.................................. 26026 he’s out thee. people ae talking aout him.他真的存在。大家都在談論他呢。...................... 27227 but i am seious aout eing a jounalist.但是我真的想做一名記者。............................ 28428 we ae fiends.我們是朋友。........................................ 29429 who the flash eally is.閃電俠的真實身份。.................................. 30430 i didn’t want him to e a heo. i wanted him to e my husand.我不想他成為英雄,我只想他成為我的丈夫。............ 31431 bay hee is gonna help me find him .巴里會幫我找到他。.................................. 32432 because i am just aout done lying to iis. aout all of this.因為我已經無法再對艾瑞絲撒謊了。關于所有這一切的謊。... 334