大學英語舞臺式教學教材:Book4 版權信息
- ISBN:9787516157862
- 條形碼:9787516157862 ; 978-7-5161-5786-2
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
大學英語舞臺式教學教材:Book4 本書特色
大學英語舞臺式教學教材:Book4 內容簡介
本套教材編寫思路靈活、內容豐富, 它既涵蓋了普通英語教材的聽、說、讀、寫、譯和語法等基本內容, 同時還顯示出舞臺式教學的特色, 包括英語舞臺劇劇本以及各種圍繞舞臺劇劇本展開的特色活動。本冊為大學英語舞臺式教學教材·Book 4。
大學英語舞臺式教學教材:Book4 目錄
unit one disaster part one:listen and talk part two:read and explore text: the loss of titanic play : titanic home reading part three: language skills grammar translation writing part four: culture salon: earthquakeunit two the nightingale and the rose part one: listen and talk part two: read and explore text: choosing a spouse play: the nightingale and the rose home reading: love in college part three: language skills grammar translation writing part four: culture salon: dating patterns in the usaunit three the merchant of venice part one: listen and talk part two: read and explore text: the question of human nature play: the merchant of venice home reading: human and human nature part three: language skills grammar translation writing part four: culture salon: views on human natureunit four music and musical part one: listen and talk part two: read and explore text: wu bixia is doing wonders play: sleepy beauty home reading: how does christmas music effects shoppers part three: language skills grammar translation writing part four: culture salon: country musicunit five drama and shakespeare part one: listen and talk part two: read and explore text: the beginning of drama play: a midsummer night's dream home reading: the best playwright in england part three: language skills grammar translation writing part four: culture salon: william shakespeareglossary
大學英語舞臺式教學教材:Book4 作者簡介