西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
牛津英語詞匯-初級-(修訂版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787532769469
- 條形碼:9787532769469 ; 978-7-5327-6946-9
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
牛津英語詞匯-初級-(修訂版) 本書特色
牛津英語詞匯-初級-(修訂版) 內容簡介
牛津英語詞匯-初級-(修訂版) 目錄
introduction 導語
starter 開篇
howtouse aunit 如何使用每一單元
how to learn new words 如何學習生詞
how to do the exercises 如何做練習
abbreviations and symbols 縮寫與符號
basic english 基礎英語
i can understand and say numbers 數字
i can tell the time 時間
i can saydays anddates 日期
i can say countries and nationalities 國家與國籍
i can use classroom vocabulary 課堂詞匯
i can use english language words 英語單詞
i can ask and answer questions about language 關于語言的提問與回答
review 復習
people 人
i can give personal information 個人信息
i canfillin aform 填表
i cantalk aboutmyfamily 家庭
i can describe physical actions 身體動作
i can name parts of the body 身體部位
i can describe people 外形特征
i can talk about character 性格
i can describe relationships 關系
i can say how i feel 感覺
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everyday life 日常生活
i can describe my routine日常活動
i can talk about clothes 服飾
i can buy clothes 購買服飾
i can talk about money 金錢
i can talk about the weather 天氣
i can talk about illness 疾病
i can get help at the chemist's 在藥店
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food and drink 食品飲料
i cannamemeat andfish 肉與魚
i cannamefruitandvegetables 水果與蔬菜
i canbuyfoodin a shop 在商店采購食品
i can order in a caf6 在咖啡館點單
i can order in a restaurant 在餐館點單
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getting around 交通出行
i can get around on buses 乘坐巴士
i can get around on trains 乘坐火車
i can ask for and give directions 問路指路
i can talk about roads and traffic 道路與交通
i can understand signs and notices 標識與告示
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places 地方場所
i can talk about my country 國家
i can talk about my town 城鎮
i can describe the countryside 鄉村
i can talk about shops 商店
i can talk about my home 家
i can describe a kitchen 廚房
i can describe a bedroom and bathroom 臥房與浴室
i can describe a living room 客廳
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study and work 學習工作
i can talk about my school 學校
i can talk about university 大學
i can namejobs 工作
i can describe a iob 工作描述
i can talk about using a computer 使用電腦
i can use email and the internet 電子郵件與因特網
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hobbies and interests 興趣愛好
i can saywhatilike 喜好
i can talk about sport 體育運動
i can talkaboutmy flee time 空閑時間
i can talk about music 音樂
i cantalk aboutfilms 電影
i cantalk aboutthemedia 媒體
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holidays 假期旅行
i can arrange a holiday 安排度假
i can book a hotel room 預訂酒店房間
i can communicate in an airport 機場溝通
i can describe a beach holiday 海灘度假
i can describe a sightseeing holiday 觀光度假
i can use the bank and post office 銀行與郵局
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social english 社交英語
i can meet and greet people 見面問候
i can use special greetings 特別問候
i can askforinformation 獲得信息
i can askforthings 提出要求
i can invite people 發出邀請
i can make suggestions 提出建議
i can offer,accept,and refuse 提供、接受與拒絕
i can say sorry and respond 道歉與應答
i can express my opinion 表達觀點
i can use the phone 使用電話
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language 語言成分
i can use common adjectives 常見形容詞
i can use common adverbs 常見副詞
i can use irregular verbs 不規則動詞
i callusephrasalverbs 短語動詞
i can use prepositions of time 表示時間的介詞
i can use time words and phrases 表示時間的單詞和短語
i can use prepositions of place and movement 表示方位和移動方向的介詞
i canuse linkwords(1) 連詞(1)
i canuse linkwords(2) 連詞(2)
i call use‘have’and‘have got’have,have got的使用方式
i can use‘get’get的使用方式
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vocabulary building 構詞表
common irregular verbs 常見不規則動詞
answer key 答案
review answer key 復習單元答案
spotlight boxes 詞匯要點
word list 單詞表
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