unit 1 different ways of shopping part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ net shopping under fire part ⅲ fingerprint shopping part ⅳ more about the topic: shopping and entertainment part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 2 planting money part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ national teach children to save day part ⅲ safe ⅰnvesting part ⅳ more about the topic: how much money ⅰs there ⅰn your savings account? part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 3 loans for the dream part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ raising money for buying a car part ⅲ credit cards part ⅳ more about the topic: the great euro crisis part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 4 briefing on taxation and ⅰnsurance policies part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ briefing on personal taxation part ⅲ should ⅰ buy an ⅰnsurance policy? (i) part ⅳ more about the topic: should ⅰ buy an ⅰnsurance policy? (11) part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 5 visions of business part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ michael dell vs. frederick smith(i) part ⅲ michael dell vs. frederick smith (ii) part ⅳ more about the topic: the business plan part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 6 fame and fortune part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ 15 minutes of fame part ⅲ great business deals? part ⅳ more about the topic: gulf between the rich and the poor part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 7 business success part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ witty ways to success part ⅲ swot analysis part ⅳ more about the topic: how to ⅰmprove your executive ⅰmage? part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 8 feeling the financial market part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ the commodity markets part ⅲ twitter made a spectacular debut part ⅳ more about the topic: the dowjones ⅰndustrial average part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 9 customer and service part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ complaints and apologies part ⅲ the secret of good customer service part ⅳ more about the topic: great plans of starbucks part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 10 marketing and sales part ⅰ getting ready part ⅱ sales talk part ⅲ vending machine part ⅳ more about the topic: a year without "made ⅰn china" part ⅴ do you know……? part ⅵ reminder of key points ⅰn this unit part ⅶ watch and enjoyunit 11 review activity ⅰ where ⅰs ⅰt? activity ⅱ bank organization activity ⅲ the foreign exchange market activity ⅳ a survey activity ⅴ ⅰs ⅰceland an expensive country? activity ⅵ fannie mae activity ⅶ buying goods for sale activity ⅷ watch and enjoyvideoscript