格點規范理論-第4版 版權信息
- ISBN:9787510078651
- 條形碼:9787510078651 ; 978-7-5100-7865-1
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
格點規范理論-第4版 本書特色
this book provides a broad introduction to gauge field theories formulated on a space—time lattice, and in particular of qcd.it serves as a textbook for advanced graduate students, and also provides the reader with the necessary analytical and numerical techniques to carry out research on his own.although the analytic calculations are sometimes quite demanding and go beyond an introduction, they are discussed in sufficient detail, so that the reader can fill in the missing steps.the book also introduces the reader to interesting problems which are currently under intensive investigation.whenever possible, the main ideas are exemplified in simple models, before extending them to realistic theories.special emphasis is placed on numerical results obtained from pioneering work.these are displayed in a great number of figures.beyond the necessary amendments and slight extensions of some sections in the third edition, the fourth edition includes an expanded section on calorons—a subject which has been under intensive investigation during the last twelve years.
格點規范理論-第4版 內容簡介
本書旨在介紹時空格點上形成的規范場論,特別是QCD。作為一本研究生高年級的教材,書中也明確講述了做研究必需的解析和數值技巧。盡管一些解析計算難度非常高,似乎超出了入門書籍的范圍,但仍然做了足夠詳細的介紹,所以學習起來并不覺得準備不足。書中也介紹了一些當前正在被大力研究的課題,盡可能地將主要觀點在延伸到實際理論之前,運用簡單模型進行實例化。重點強調先前工作的數值結果,并用大量的圖標展示。這是第四版,除了對第三版做了必要的修訂和一些章節的適度擴展,還包括了一些有關Caloron的延伸章節,這個科目在過去的20年成為大家大力研究的興趣點。 目次:引入;量子化中的路徑積分方法;格點上的自由純量場;格點上的費米子;格點上的Abel規范場和緊QED;格點緊QCD上的非Abel規范場;Wilson圈和靜態夸克-反夸克勢;簡單模型中的Q勢;格點QCD 的連續極限;格點和規則;強耦合擴展;跳頻參數擴展;弱耦合擴展(Ⅰ),Ф3理論;弱耦合擴展(Ⅱ),格點QED;弱耦合擴展(Ⅲ)格點QCD;模特卡羅方法;蒙特卡洛計算的一些結果;可解波色子和費米子系統的熱動力配分函數的路徑積分表示;格點上和格點外的有限溫度擾動理論;有限溫度的非擾動QCD。 讀者對象:物理、粒子物理、統計力學等專業的研究生和科研人員。
格點規范理論-第4版 目錄
preface to the third edition
preface to the second edition
preface to the first edition
2.the path integral approach to quantization
2.1the path integral method in quantum mechanics
2.2 path integral representation of bosonic green functionsinfieldtheory
2.3the transfer matrix
2.4 path integral r,epresentation of fermionicgreen functions
2.5discretizing space—time.the lattice as a regulator ofaquantum field theory
3.the free scalar field on the lattice
4.fermions on the lattice
4.1the doubling problem
4.2a closer look at fermion doubling
4.3wilson fermions
4.4staggered fermions
4.5 technical details of the staggered fermion formulation
4.6 staggered fermions in momentum space
4.7ginsparg—wilson fermions.the overlap operator
5.abelian gauge fields on the latticeand compact qed
5.1 preliminaries
5.2 lattice formulation of qed
6.non abelian gauge fields on the latticecompact qcd
7.the wilson loop and the staticquark—antiquark potential
7.1a look at non—relativistic quantum mechanics
7.2 the wilson loop and the static qq=potentialin qed
7.3 the wilson loop in qcd
8.the qq—potential in some simple models
8.1the potentialin quenched qed
8.2the potential in quenched compact qed2
9.the continuum limit of lattice qcd
9.1 critical behaviour of lattice qcd and the continuumlimit
9.2 dependence of the coupling constant on the lattice spacingand the renormalization group β—function
10.lattice sum rules
10.1 energy sum rule for the harmonic oscillator
10.2 the su(n) gauge action on an anisotropic lattice
10.3 sum rules for the static qq—potential
10.4determination of the electric, magnetic and anomalous contribution to the qq potential
10.5 sum rules for the glueball mass
11.the strong coupling expansion
11.1the qq—potential to leading order in strong coupling
11.2 beyond the leading approximation
11.3the lattice hamiltonian in the strong coupling limitand the string picture of confinement
12.the hopping parameter expansion
12.1path integral r,epresentation of correlation functionsin terms of bosonic variables
12.2hopping parameter expansion of the fermion propagatorin an externalfield
12.3hopping parameter expansion of the effective action
12.4 the hpe and the pauli exclusion principle
13.weak coupling expansion (ⅰ).the φ3—theory
13.2 weak coupling expansion of correlation functions in the φ3—theory
13.3 the power counting theorem of reisz
14.weak coupling expansion (ⅱ).lattice qed
14.1 the gauge fixed lattice action
14.2 lattice feynman rules
14.3renormalization of the axial vector current in one—looporder
14.4the abj anomaly
15.weak coupling expansion (ⅲ).lattice qcd
15.1the link integration measure
15.2 gauge fixing and the faddeev—popov determinant
15.3 the gauge field action
15.4 propagators and vertices
15.5 relation between al and the a—parameter of continuum qcd
15.6universality of the axial anomaly in lattice qcd
16.monte carlo methods
16.2 construction principles for algorithms.markov chains
16.3 the metropolis method
16.4 the langevin algorithm
16.5 the molecular dynamics method
16.6 the hybrid algorithm
16.7 the hybrid monte carlo algorithm
16.8 the pseudofermion method
16.9application of the hybrid monte carlo algorithmto systems with fermions
17.some results of monte carlo calculations
17.1 the string tension and the qq potentialin the su(3) gaugetheory
17.2 the qq—potentialin full qcd
17.3 chiral symmetry breaking
17.5 hadron mass spectrum
17.7 flux tubes in qq and qqq—systems
17.8the dual superconductor picture of confinement
17.9 center vortices and confinement
17.10 calorons
18.path—integral representation of the thermodynamical partition functionfor some solvable bosonic and fermionicsystems
18.2path—integral r;epresentation of the partition function in quantum mechanics
18.3 sum rule for the mean energy
18.4 test of the energy sum rule.the harmonic oscillator
18.5the free relativistic boson gas in the path integral approach
18.6the photon gas in the path integral approach
18.7 functional methods for fermions.basics
18.8path integral r,epresentation of the partition functionfor a fermionic system valid for arbitrary time—step
18.9 a modified fermion action leading to fermion doubling
18.10the free dirac gas.continuum approach
18.11 dirac gas of wilson fermions on the lattice
19.fimte temperature perturbation theory ofand on the lattice
20.non—perturbative qcd at finite temperature
appendix a
appendix b
appendix c
appendix d
appendix e
appendix f
appendix g
格點規范理論-第4版 作者簡介
Heinz J.Rothe(H.J.羅斯,德國)是國際知名學者,在數學和物理學界享有盛譽。本書凝聚了作者多年科研和教學成果,適用于科研工作者、高校教師和研究生。
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