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當代實用英語:2 版權信息
- ISBN:9787564914424
- 條形碼:9787564914424 ; 978-7-5649-1442-4
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
當代實用英語:2 內容簡介
《當代實用英語(2 )/河南省“十二五”普通高等教育(高職)規劃教材》選用當代實用英語的常見語體或文體的典型樣本作為素材。內容豐富,涉及語言、文化、習俗、信息等方面。
當代實用英語:2 目錄
Unit 2 Sports
Unit 3 Travelling
Unit 4 Holidays
Unit 5 Surfind the Internet
Unit 6 Going to the Hospital
當代實用英語:2 節選
Travel is Good for You Americans think that travel is good for you. Some even think it can help solve oneof the country's worst problems--crime. Crime worries a lot of people. Every year, the number of crimes goes up and up.And many criminals are young. Most of them--85 percent are boys. They often comefrom unhappy homes, with only one parent or no parents at all. There are problemsconcerning alcohol and drugs. There are many young criminals in prison. But prison doesn't change them--G0 to70 percent will go back to crime when they come out of prison. One man, Bob Burton, thought of a new idea. In the old days, young men had tolive a difficult life on the road. They learned to be strong and brave, and to help theirfriends in time of danger. This helped them to grow into men. So Bob Burton started"Vision Quest". He takes young criminals on a long, long journey with horses and wagons 3,000miles through seven states. They are on the road for more than a year. The youngpeople on "Vision Quest" ( boys and a few girls) all have bad problems. Most of themhave already spent time in prison. This is their last chance. It's hard work on the road. The day starts before the sun comes up. The boys andgirls have to feed the horses. Some of them have never loved anyone before. But theycan love their horses. That love can help them to have a new life. Not all young people on "Vision Quest" will leave crime behind them. 30 or 40percent will one day be in prison again. But that's much better than 60 or 70 percent.Bob Burton is right. Travel can be good for you. Even today, Americans still say, "Gowest, young men. ……
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