西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
經貿英語閱讀-(第二版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787566309624
- 條形碼:9787566309624 ; 978-7-5663-0962-4
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
經貿英語閱讀-(第二版) 本書特色
經貿英語閱讀-(第二版) 內容簡介
經貿英語閱讀-(第二版) 目錄
chapter one economics經濟學
text a microeconomics and macroeconomics
text b the income
text c economics basics:production possibility frontier(ppf)and
opportunity cost
chapter two development economics發展經濟學
text a what is development economics
text b the harrod
text c china:protecting the environment and improving livelihoods of
chapter three international economies國際經濟學
text a what is international economics
text b the international economy
text c factor—endowment theory
chapter four international trade theories國際貿易理論
text a absolute cost theory
text b comparative cost theory
text c the world trade organization
chapter five international trade policies and measures國際貿易政策與措施
text a free 7rade or protectionism7
text b free trade in asian style
text c trade policy tools
chapter six international trade practice國際貿易實務
text a incoterltis 2010
text b cargo insurance guide
text c letter of credit r
chapter seven international business negotiation國際商務談判
text a a beginner’s guide to international business negotiations
text b united states business etiquette
text c eight steps to success in negotiating--importance of business
chapter eight international finance國際金融
text a the imf’s role at a g1ance
text b exchange rates
text c effort to balance international payments
chapter nine monetary banking貨幣銀行學
text a money and banks
text b who needs a swiss bank
text c what is money
chapter ten international investment國際投資
text a foreign direct investment
text b trends and recent developments in foreign direct investment
text c china is the most promising source of fdi
chapter eleven accountancy會計
text a accounting and auditors
text b marsh to make payments more transparent
text c accounting for advertising costs
chapter twelve international business law國際商法
text a formation of agency
text b contract law
text c what is consideration9
appendix business terms商務術語
text a microeconomics and macroeconomics
text b the income
text c economics basics:production possibility frontier(ppf)and
opportunity cost
chapter two development economics發展經濟學
text a what is development economics
text b the harrod
text c china:protecting the environment and improving livelihoods of
chapter three international economies國際經濟學
text a what is international economics
text b the international economy
text c factor—endowment theory
chapter four international trade theories國際貿易理論
text a absolute cost theory
text b comparative cost theory
text c the world trade organization
chapter five international trade policies and measures國際貿易政策與措施
text a free 7rade or protectionism7
text b free trade in asian style
text c trade policy tools
chapter six international trade practice國際貿易實務
text a incoterltis 2010
text b cargo insurance guide
text c letter of credit r
chapter seven international business negotiation國際商務談判
text a a beginner’s guide to international business negotiations
text b united states business etiquette
text c eight steps to success in negotiating--importance of business
chapter eight international finance國際金融
text a the imf’s role at a g1ance
text b exchange rates
text c effort to balance international payments
chapter nine monetary banking貨幣銀行學
text a money and banks
text b who needs a swiss bank
text c what is money
chapter ten international investment國際投資
text a foreign direct investment
text b trends and recent developments in foreign direct investment
text c china is the most promising source of fdi
chapter eleven accountancy會計
text a accounting and auditors
text b marsh to make payments more transparent
text c accounting for advertising costs
chapter twelve international business law國際商法
text a formation of agency
text b contract law
text c what is consideration9
appendix business terms商務術語
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