飛虎隊隊員眼中的中國:昆明 四川 杭州 上海(明信片)
上海的美國文化地圖 版權信息
- ISBN:9787545206173
- 條形碼:9787545206173 ; 978-7-5452-0617-3
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
上海的美國文化地圖 本書特色
上海的美國文化地圖 內容簡介
上海的美國文化地圖 目錄
a bridge to the outside world
he chengwei
general preface
the dynamic blending of chinese and western culture in modern
xiong yuezhi
i the trans-pacific legend of shanghai and america
1.the first coming of americans to shanghai
2.the issue of temporary or permanent residence
3.shanghai international settlement: the powerful british- american coalition
5.out-and-out americans: the formation of an american community in shanghai
6.world war ii : years of misery and suffering
7.a v-shaped rebound: from the great aberration to shanghai world expo participation
ii people and events of america and shanghai
1.william jones boone: founder of shanghai's american settlement
2.frederick townsend ward: the crazy life of an adventurer
3.young john allen: advocating enlightenment through knowledge
4.laura haygood and the wesleyan college of china'
5.francis lister hawks pott and harvard university of the orient
6.u.s.political dignitaries' visits to shanghai
7.american culture celebrities' visits to shanghai
8.john benjamin powell, edgar snow and millard's review of the far east
9.the incident of rickshaw puller zang dayaozi
iii american way of life in metropolitan shanghai
1.a new era of commerce: russell & co.
2.social paradise of american gentlemen: shanghai american club
3.public space of american madams: american women's club
4.total american education in all probability: shanghai american school
5.an american university's centenary development: university of shanghai
6.a community church for americans: shanghai community church
7.american volunteers armed to the teeth: shanghai volunteer corps' american company
8.hollywood films and shanghai: a century of bond
iv old ties in new land: shanghai's american landmarks
1.shanghai community church architecture
2.foreign y.m.c.a.building
3.american navy y.m.c.a.building
4.the international institute of china and shangxian lane
5.columbia country club
6.yaojia garden and fallingwater
7.architectures of university of shanghai
8.architectures of st.john's university
v bonds beyond distance: a continuation of cultural exchanges and influences
1.richard nixon's visit to shanghai and the shanghai
2.american television series and shanghai
3.american fast food and shanghai
4.nba, yao ming and shanghai
5.disneyland park and shanghai
6.america and shanghai world expo
vi appendix
chronicle of etvents
tourist landmark directory
上海的美國文化地圖 作者簡介
熊月之,1949年12月出生于江蘇省淮陰縣(今淮安市)。現為上海社會科學院副院長兼歷史研究所所長、學術委員會主任、研究員,《史林》雜志主編,中國史學會副會長,上海市歷史學會副會長,上海史志學會副會長,上海市政協委員。主要著作有《章太炎》、《中國近代民主思想史》、《向專制主義告別》、《西學東漸與晚清社會》、《上海通史·總論》卷、《萬川集》、《馮桂芬評傳》;主編《上海通史》、《老上海名人名事名物詞典》;論文有《論郭嵩燾》、《論辛亥革命準備時期資產階級民主思想》、《論上海租界與晚清革命》等百余篇。 張生,1980年1月生,山東東阿人,歷史學博士;2008年香港中文大學訪問學人,現為上海社會科學院歷史研究所助理研究員。已出版專著《上海居,大不易一近代上海房荒研究》;合譯著《上海的美國人:社區形成與對革命的反應,1919~1928》。 徐濤,1982年6月生,山東日照人,現為上海社會科學院歷史研究所助理研究員,華東師范大學歷史學在讀博士。參與撰寫、譯著《西制東漸》、《上海大辭典》、《中華大典》、《上海文化發展與變遷》、《中國城市的發展》等多部著作,在《社會科學》、《史林》等發表論文數篇。
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