西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
商務英語綜合教程輔導用書-下冊-(下冊)-(第二版) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787566306746
- 條形碼:9787566306746 ; 978-7-5663-0674-6
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
商務英語綜合教程輔導用書-下冊-(下冊)-(第二版) 本書特色
為適應這一新潮流,我們對《商務英語綜合教程》整套教材進行了修訂。此次修訂維持了原教材的基本體例。所做的改變集中在對主課文的“一增一減”。增加了當今經濟社會正在發生且不斷變化的全球經濟、貿易及商務活動*新動態的文章及相關專業術語、背景知識和詳細的參考資料的詳解;刪減了一些內容過時的文章及較為難懂的說明和語句,從而新版的教材更具實用性。 此次劉玉玲等修訂的《商務英語綜合教程(下輔導用書第2版商務英語專業新世界全國高職高專院校規劃教材)》,力圖容納盡可能多的*新的商務信息。所做的修訂主要是針對商務英語教學強調的是在與時俱進的商務活動中特殊語言交際方式和特殊商務語言形式的運用。使學生在學習語言的同時,掌握必要的且具有時效性的商務知識及技能。因此,該書內容更加新穎、充實、貼近生活,從而增加學生的學習興趣。
商務英語綜合教程輔導用書-下冊-(下冊)-(第二版) 內容簡介
為適應這一新潮流,我們對《商務英語綜合教程》整套教材進行了修訂。此次修訂維持了原教材的基本體例。所做的改變集中在對主課文的“一增一減”。增加了當今經濟社會正在發生且不斷變化的全球經濟、貿易及商務活動*新動態的文章及相關專業術語、背景知識和詳細的參考資料的詳解;刪減了一些內容過時的文章及較為難懂的說明和語句,從而新版的教材更具實用性。 此次劉玉玲等修訂的《商務英語綜合教程(下輔導用書第2版商務英語專業新世界全國高職高專院校規劃教材)》,力圖容納盡可能多的*新的商務信息。所做的修訂主要是針對商務英語教學強調的是在與時俱進的商務活動中特殊語言交際方式和特殊商務語言形式的運用。使學生在學習語言的同時,掌握必要的且具有時效性的商務知識及技能。因此,該書內容更加新穎、充實、貼近生活,從而增加學生的學習興趣。
商務英語綜合教程輔導用書-下冊-(下冊)-(第二版) 目錄
上冊chapter one fundamentals of practice of declaration at the customs unit 1 declaration at the customs unit 2 customs overview unit 3 declaration enterprise unit 4 customs declarantchapter two practice of foreign trade controls unit 1 foreign trade controls unit 2 import and export licence system unit 3 other systems of foreign trade controls unit 4 measures of foreign trade controlschapter three customs supervision practice unit 1 customs supervision unit 2 procedures ofdeclaration at the customs unit 3 specific goods of tax reduction and exemption unit 4 temporary admission goods unit 5 transittransshipment and through goods unit 6 other admission goods unit 7 special declaration procedureschapter four merchandising practice unit l harmonized commodity description and coding system unit 2 catalogue of import and export commodities ofchinacustoms unit 3 customs regulations of import and export commoditiesclassification unit 4 general rules ofcategorization ofharmonized systemchapter five practice of duties on imports and exports unit 1 customs duty unit 2 determination 0fcustoms value unit 3 determining the origin of goods and applicable duty rate unit 4 calculation 0fcustoms duties unit 5 customs duties reduction or exemption unit 6 payment or refund ofduties on import or exportchapter six practice of filling in the customs declaration form unit 1 customs declaration form unit 2 methods offilling in the customs declaration formchapter seven customs declaration policy unit 1 customs statistical system unit 2 customs inspection system unit 3 customs aflfairs guarantee system unit 4 customs system of protection of intellectual propertyrights unit 5 administrative permission system of the customs unit 6 administrative punishment system of the customs unit 7 administrative reconsideration system of the customs unit 8 administrative litigation system ofthe customs unit 9 administrative adjudication system ofthe customschapter eight fundamental practice of foreign trade unit 1 international trade unit 2 modes of international trade unit 3 qualityquantity and packing ofcommodities unit 4 trade terms and price unit 5 foreign trade transportation unit 6 insurance offoreign trade unit 7 methods ofintemational payment unit 8 inspectionclaimforce majeure and arbitration unit 9 foreign trade documentschapter nine exercises for practice of declaration at the customs unit 1 choose the correct answer for each of the followingquestions unit 2 multiple choice unit 3 true or false unit 4 comprehensive practice unit 5 commodities categorization unit 6 filling in the customs declaration form unit 7 finding errors in the customs declaration form參考文獻下冊unit 1 related technical terms grammar-adverbial clause of time key to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 2 related technical terms grammar-adverbial clause ofplace key to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 3 related technical terms grammar-adverbial clause of manner kev to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 4 related technical terms grammar-adverbial clause of concession kev to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 5 related technical terms grammar-adverbial clause of condition key to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 6 related technical terms grammar-adverbial clause ofreason kev to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 7 related technical terllls grammar-adverbial clause ofpurposei kev to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 8 related technical terms grammar-adverbial clause of result kev to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 9 related technical terms grammar-adverbial clause of comparison key to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 10 related technical terms grammar-revision kev to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 11 related technical terms grammar-subject—verb agreement key to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 12 related technical terms grammar-emphaticalit key to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 13 related technical terms grammar-inversion kev to exercises chinese version ofthe textunit 14 related technical terms grammar-subjunctive mood(i) kev to exercises chinese version ofthe text
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