習近平談治國理政 第四卷
政府論(下篇)(世界大師原典文庫(中文導讀插圖版)) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787300172286
- 條形碼:9787300172286 ; 978-7-300-17228-6
- 裝幀:簡裝本
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
政府論(下篇)(世界大師原典文庫(中文導讀插圖版)) 本書特色
政府論(下篇)(世界大師原典文庫(中文導讀插圖版)) 內容簡介
政府論(下篇)(世界大師原典文庫(中文導讀插圖版)) 目錄
chapter ⅰ introduction
chapter ⅱ of the state of nature
chapter ⅲ of the state of war
chapter ⅳ of slavery
chapter ⅴ of property
chapter ⅵ of paternal power
chapter ⅶ of political or civil society
chapter ⅷ of the beginning of political societies
chapter ⅸ of the ends of political society and government
chapter ⅹ of the forms of a commonwealth
chapter ? of the extent of the legislative power
chapter ? of the legislative, executive, and federative power of the commonwealth
chapter ⅹⅲ of the subordination of the powers of the commonwealth
chapter ⅹⅳ of prerogative
chapter ⅹⅴ of paternal, political, and despotical power, considered together
chapter ⅹⅵ of conquest
chapter ⅹⅶ of usurpation
chapter ⅹⅷ of tyranny
chapter ⅹⅸ of the dissolution of government
政府論(下篇)(世界大師原典文庫(中文導讀插圖版)) 節選
It having been shown in the foregoing discourse. 1. That Adam had not, either by natural right of fatherhood, or by positive donation from God, any such authority over his children, or dominion over the world, as is pretended. 2. That if he had, his heirs yet had no right to it. 3. That if his heirs had, there being no law of nature, nor positive law of God, that determines which is the right heir in all cases that may arise, the right of succession, and consequently of bearing rule, could not have been certainly determined. 4. That if even that had been determined, yet the knowledge of which is the eldest line of Adam’s posterity, being so long since utterly lost, that in the races of mankind and families of the world, there remains not to one above another the least pretence to be the eldest house, and to have the right of inheritance. All these premises having, as I think, been clearly made out, it is impossible that the rulers now on earth should make any benefit, or derive any the least shadow of authority from that, which is held to be the fountain of all power, “Adam’s private dominion and paternal jurisdiction;” so that he that will not give just occasion to think that all government in the world is the product only of force and violence, and that men live together by no other rules but that of beasts, where the strongest carries it, and so lay a foundation for perpetual disorder and mischief, tumult, sedition, and rebellion(things that the followers of that hypothesis so loudly cry out against) must of necessity find out another rise of government, another original of political power, and another way of designing and knowing the persons that have it, than what sir Robert Filmer hath taught us.
政府論(下篇)(世界大師原典文庫(中文導讀插圖版)) 作者簡介
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