博鰲亞洲論壇亞洲經濟一體化進程2013年度報告 版權信息
- ISBN:9787566306395
- 條形碼:9787566306395 ; 978-7-5663-0639-5
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
博鰲亞洲論壇亞洲經濟一體化進程2013年度報告 本書特色
博鰲亞洲論壇亞洲經濟一體化進程2013年度報告 內容簡介
《boao forum for asia progress of asian economic integration annual report 2013》為公眾提供有關亞洲經濟一體化進程的*新信息和觀點是博鰲亞洲論壇一貫秉承的傳統。我非常感謝由不同國家和地區經濟學家所組成的國際化團隊為完成本報告所進行的艱苦努力和創新性的工作。我們希望本報告與以往的報告一樣,能夠引起各界對于亞洲經濟一體化進程的關注,參與對這一進程的討論,貢獻自己的觀點和建議。
博鰲亞洲論壇亞洲經濟一體化進程2013年度報告 目錄
ac kn owle dg e m e nts
listof contributors
chapter 1 development trends oflnternationaitrade and investment inasia
1.1 growth path oftrade in asia
1.2 the development trend of the sino-japanese trade andinvestment
1.3 rapid growth oftrade between china and asean
chapter 2 foreign trade integration in asia
2.1 trade dependence among asian economies
2.2 trends oftrade in asia: intra-regional and inter-regionalflows
2.3 recenttrends in portfolio investment in asia
2.4 foreign directlnvestmenttrends ofasia
2.5 progress of regionaitrade liberalization in services
2.6 steady dependence oflntra-asia tourism
2.7 the progress of financial integration in asia
chapter 3 prospects, challenges and collective gains ofchina-japan-korea
free trade area
3.1 evolution ofchina-japan-korea freetrade area
3.2 trade creation effect of china-japan-korea free tradearea
3.3 sensitive areasin negotiation ofchina-japan-korea fta
3.4 high-quality or low-quality freetrade agreement
chapter 4 the future of the asean+ structure: pathways tointegration ...
4.1 introduction
4.2 post-crisis output growth ofasia
4.3 bottom-upapproach
4.4 top-down approach
chapter 5 greater mekong sub-regional economic cooperation
5.1 the background of greater mekong sub-regional economiccooperation
5.2 the status and features of the greater mekong sub-regionaleconomic cooperation
5.3 the new trend and practical problems of gms economiccooperation
5.4 the impacts ofgms cooperation on regional progress
important events of the asian integration
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