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包郵 護士安全用藥手冊

開本: 21cm 頁數: 548
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護士安全用藥手冊 版權信息

  • ISBN:9787564134174
  • 條形碼:9787564134174 ; 978-7-5641-3417-4
  • 裝幀:一般膠版紙
  • 冊數:暫無
  • 重量:暫無
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護士安全用藥手冊 本書特色

  《英文短語你用對了嗎》按照字母表順序將高頻短語羅列在讀者面前,為讀者介紹這些結構上相近或相似的搭配在真實語義和使用方式上的差別,幫助讀者看清楚這些詞匯搭配背后所深藏的陷阱。此外,針對每組詞匯辨析還設有練習題,意在讓讀者通過這類小測試檢驗自己對知識的掌握情況。   《英文短語你用對了嗎》適用于希望提高英語水平的廣大英語愛好者。

護士安全用藥手冊 內容簡介


護士安全用藥手冊 目錄

目錄回到頂部↑《英文短語你用對了嗎》aunit onea bit, a few, a littlea couple of, a pair ofa dozen of, dozens ofa lot of, lots ofa number of, the number ofabide by, abide withunit twoaccommodate to, accommodate withaccording as, according toact as, act for, act onadd to, addtoadmit of, admit toagree on, agree to, agree withall day, all the dayallow for, allow ofangry at, angry withanswer for, answer to.anxious about, anxious forappeal for, appeal toappoint as, appoint toargue about, argue witharrive at., arrive inas if, as thoughashamed of, ashamed forask leave, take leaveunit fiveat a birth, at birth, by birthat a distance, from a distanceat all risk, at riskat all times, at timesat best, at one's bestat heart, by heartunit sixat no time, at the timeat one's back, on one's backat peace, in peaceat sea, atthe seaat the corner, in the cornerat the end of, by the end, in theendunit sevenat the moment, at the same timeat the spot, on the spotat the top of, on the top ofat work, in workattend on, attend tobunit ineback down, back upbargain for, bargain onbe absorbed by, be absorbed inbe alive to, be alive withbe apt at, be apt to.be bound for, be bound tounit twobe buried in, be buried underbe concemed about, be concemed withbe disappointed at, be disappointed withbe dying for, be dying tobe engaged in, be engaged tobe familiar to, be familiar withunit threebe from, come frombe good for, be good atbe in love with, fall in love withbe known as, be known forbe mad about, be mad atbe made from, be made ofunit fourbe made in, be made intobe married, get marriedbe proud of, be proud tobe seated, sit down.be short of, be short onbe sick for, be sick of.unit fivebe tired from, be tired ofbe used to do, be used to doing,used to dobear on, bear upbefore long, long beforebelong in, belong tobetter off, better thanunit sixbind together, bind upblame for, blame onblock off, block upblow out, blow upbook in, book upboth…and…, either… or…neither…nor…unit sevenbreak down, break off, break upbreak in, break into.break one's word, eat one's word.bring about, bring aroundbring in, bring up.bum down, burn up.unit eightburst in, burst intobusy in, busy withby force, in forceby itself, in itselfby name, in nameby nature, in natureunit nineby sea, by the seaby the eye, to the eyeby the way, in the way, on the way.by turns, in turn.cunit onecall at, call oncall for, call incare about, care forcatch a cold, have a coldcatch fire, on firecatch on, catch outunit twocatch up with, keep up withchange for, change intocheck in, check into.cheer on, cheer, up.choke back l choke upclean up, clear up.unit threeclear away, clear outcome about, come acrosscome in, come intocome off, come outcompare to, compare withconnect to, connect withunit fourconsist in, consist ofcontribute to, devote tocorrespond to, correspond withcount down, count incover for, cover upcrack down, crack upunit fivecross off, cross overcut back, cut downdunit oneday after day, day by daydeal in, deal withdepend on, depend upondie from, die ofdivide into, divide updo one's best, try one's bestunit twodraw in, draw updream about, dream updress in, dress updrop by, drop off, drop outdwell in, dwell oneunit oneeach other, one anothereat away, eat outenter into, enter oneven as, even soexcuse for, excuse fromexist in, exist onfunit onefall back, fall behindfall off, fall outfar away from, keep away from.feed on, feed up.feel for, feel like.figure in, figure out.unit twofill in, fill outfind out, look out.fix on, fix up.for a moment, in a momentfor fun, in fun.for sale, on saleunit threefor shame, with shamefor show, on showforget doing, forget to dofrom mouth to mouth, mouth to mouthgunit onegaze at, glare at, look atget along with, get on withget down, get down toget in touch with, keep in touch withget off, get out, get overget ready for, get ready tounit twoget through, go throughgive a call, make a callgive away, give backgive in, give up.give off, give out.go about, go by.unit threego into, go offgo on, go out, go overgo sleeping, go to bedgo to the cinema, go to the movies.hunit onehand down, hand out, hand over.hand in, hand in hand.hand on, on hand.hang on, hang up.have a joke with, play a joke onhave a word with, have words withunit twohave on, have uphear from, hear ofhelp sb. do, help sb. withhold back, hold uphold on, hold outhurry off, hurry upiunit oneif only, only ifin a fashion, in fashionin a hole, in the holein a word, in other wordsin blue, in the bluein business, on businessunit twoin case of, in the case ofin charge of, in the charge ofin commission, on commissionin contrast to, in contrast within demand, on demandin drink, in the drink.unit threein fire, under fire.in front of, in the front of .in future, in the future.in hospital, in the hospitalin issue, in the issue.in mass, in the massunit fourin office, in the officein order, on order.in place of, take placein practice, in questionin principle, on principlein private, in public.unit fivein repair, under repairin secret, in the secretin store, in the storein the air, on the airin the road, on the roadin the south of, on the south of,to the south ofunit sixin the sun, under the sunin the tree, on the tree.in the view of, in view ofin the wall, on the wall.in the water, on the waterin time, on time.unit sevenin trust, trust inincrease by, increase tojunit onejoin in, join onjump at, jump downjust now, just thenkunit onekeen about, keen onkeep at, keep up.keep doing, keep on doing.keep house, keep the house.keep silence, keep silentkind of, kinds ofunit twoknock into, knock…intoknown as, known forlunit onelack for, lack of.launch into, launch outlay off, lay out.lead out, lead to.leave for, leave to.let down, let in, let outunit twoliable for, liable tolie in, lie on.live by, live on.loaf about, loaf awaylook after, look for, look forwardlook through, see throughunit threelook up, look up to.lose heart, lose one's heartmunit onemake sure, make sensemake trouble, take troublemake up, make up one's mindmeddle in, meddle withmelt away; melt downmuch too, too much.nunit oneno longer, no morenot a bit, not a littleounit oneoff the point, to the pointoff work, out of workon board, on the boardon deck, on the deckon duty, oft dutyon schedule, on the scheduleunit twoon watch, on the watchonce again, once moreout of breath, short of breathout of question, out of the question.punit onepass away, pass offpass by, pass on, pass outpay for, pay offpick out, pick upplan on, plan outplay at, play withunit twopoint at, point topull in, pull output aside, put awayput up, set upput off, put on, put outqunit onequarrel about, quarrel withquite a few, quite an amountrunit onereact on, react toremember doing, remember to doresponsible for, responsible toresult from, result inright away, right nowring a bell, ring the bellunit tworun after, run away.run into, run on, run outrush hour, the peak hourssunit onesee about, see tosee off, see outsend out, send upset off, set inshout at, shout tosmile at, smile onunit twospeak about, speak forspeak of, speak tosplit into, split on.stand by, stand to, stand out.stay out, stay up.stop doing, stop to do.unit threestruggle against, struggle for.succeed in, succeed tosuperior in, superior to.tunit onetake a chair, take the chairtake a chance, take the chancetake air, take the airtake down, write downtake ground, take the groundtake off, take overunit twotalk about, talk totaste for, taste intear down, tear offtell of, tell offterrified at, terrified ofthanks for, thanks tounit threethink about, think ofthrow off, throw outtip off, tip overtry doing, try to dotry on, try outturn down, turn off, turn on,turn upuunit oneunite in, unite withup and down, ups and downsvunit onevote down, vote outwunit onewait for, wait onwake up, wake…upwalk into, walk outwash off, wash outwatch for, watch overwork off, work out
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