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幼兒英語故事100篇-啟發自主思考-啟發教育篇(含MP3) 版權信息
- ISBN:7306043552
- 條形碼:9787306043559 ; 978-7-306-04355-9
- 裝幀:簡裝本
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
幼兒英語故事100篇-啟發自主思考-啟發教育篇(含MP3) 本書特色
幼兒英語故事100篇-啟發自主思考-啟發教育篇(含MP3) 內容簡介
幼兒英語故事100篇-啟發自主思考-啟發教育篇(含MP3) 目錄
1.the treasure slave 守財奴
2.visitors of my garden 我花園里的來客
3.fishermen and the stones 漁夫和石頭
4.going south by driving the chariot north 南轅北轍
5.how the elephant got his trunk 大象是怎么得到長鼻子的
6.jupiter and the monkey 朱庇特和猴子
7.kangaroos in the cage 袋鼠與籠子
8.the fisherman and the fish 漁夫和魚
9.lowering the banners and silencing the drums 偃旗息鼓
10.what are things made of 事物是由什么做的
11.making the mark 刻舟求劍
12.mountain in labor 大山分娩
13.no taken out 概不外借
14.how do animals eat? 動物們如何吃東西?
15.picture of a cake for the hungers 畫餅充饑
16.the black servant 黑仆人
17.the ant and the chrysalis 螞蟻和蛹
18.the donkey and the grasshopper 驢和蚱蜢
19.the donkey in the lion's skin 披著獅皮的驢
20.the bald knight 禿頭騎士
21.guess who i am 猜猜我是誰
22.the belly and the organs 肚子和身體器官
23.the birdcatcher,the partridge,and the rooster 捕鳥人、山鶉和公雞
24.the birds within a net 網中之鳥
25.the camel and jupiter 駱駝和朱庇特
26.the camel and the arabian 駱駝和阿拉伯人
27.the cat and the rooste r貓和公雞
28.the cat and the mice 貓和老鼠
29.the cat-maiden 貓女
30.the charcoal-burner and the fuller 燒炭人和漂布人
34.the city mouse and the country mouse 城里老鼠和鄉下老鼠
32.the baby clrab and the mother crab 小蟹與母蟹
33.the crow and mercury 烏鴉和墨丘利
34.the deer and the lion 鹿和獅子
35.the dog and the lion 獵狗和獅子
36.the dog and the wolf 狗和狼
37.the pigeon and the crow 鴿子和烏鴉
38.the eagle and his captor 鷹和捕鷹人
39.houses around the world 世界各地的房子
40.the eagle,the cat and the boar 鷹、貓和野豬
41.the flies and the honey-pot 蒼蠅和蜂蜜罐
42.the fisherman 漁夫
43.the fisherman and his nets 漁夫和漁網
44.the fowler and the viper 捕鳥人和毒蛇
45.the fox and the cat 狐貍和貓
46.the fox and the grapes 狐貍和葡萄
47.the tiger and the fox 狐假虎威
48.the frogs and the well 青蛙和井
49.the mosquito and the lion 蚊子和獅子
50.the goose 鵝
51.the geese and the cranes 鵝與鶴
52.the hare and the hound 野兔和獵狗
53.the heifer and the ox 小母牛和公牛
54.the herdsman and the lost bull 牧人和丟失的公牛
55.the horse and the horsekeeper 馬和馬夫
56.the hunter and the horseman 獵人和騎馬者
57.check up 體檢
58.the kite 風箏
59.the lamb and the wolf 小羊和狼
60.the lion and the boar 獅子和野豬
61.the lion and the dolphin 獅子和海豚
62.the lion and the three bulls 獅子和三頭牛
63.the lion,the bear and the fox 獅子、熊和狐貍
64.the manslayer 殺人犯
65.the monkey and the moon 猴子和月亮
66.the monkeys and their mother 猴子和猴媽媽
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