會計英語 版權信息
- ISBN:9787811346800
- 條形碼:9787811346800 ; 978-7-81134-680-0
- 裝幀:暫無
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
會計英語 本書特色
《會計英語》:新基點(New Benchmark)全國高職高專院校商務英語系列規劃教材
會計英語 內容簡介
會計英語 目錄
unit two accounting elements,accounting equation and double entry
unit three accounting cycle(i)
unit four accounting cycle(ii)
unit five assets
unit six cash
unit seven accounts receivable
unit eight inventories
unit nine depreciation
unit ten liabilities
unit eleven owners’equity
unit twelve revenue,expense and profit
unit thirteen journals
unit fourteen ledgers
unit fifteen balance sheet
unit sixteen income statement
unit seventeen statement of cash flows
unit eighteen analysis of financial statements
appendix useful terms and expressions
會計英語 節選
《會計英語》內容簡介:企業經營者和職工文化素質的提高,直接影響著會計工作的社會地位和會計作用的發揮。目前社會對會計人員的要求越來越高,會計人員必須既是一名高水準的會計師,又是一名出色的計算機操作員。此外,會計人員還必須懂外語,熟悉國際會計、商務慣例,具有較廣博的國際社會文化背景知識。因此改革會計尤其是會計英語的教學方法,調整教育內容,開闊學生的知識面,提高學生的創新能力、職業判斷能力和解決實際問題的能力,加快復合型會計人才的培養,已成為正規院校會計教育的當務之急;同時必須有計劃、有步驟、有針對性地加強對在職會計人員的后續教育,不斷更新知識,以適應日新月異的客觀環境的需要。 本教材的體系完整,結構合理,系統性強;通俗易懂,深入淺出,適用面廣;內容充實,習題豐富,難易適中;案例具體,解釋詳細,思路清晰。 此外,本教材還提供了非常豐富的案例分析講解,并且根據不同的單元內容配備了大量的針對性實訓練習。除了適合高職院校會計專業的學生學習外,還適合有初步會計基礎的社會人才進行自學,是自我提升的很好途徑。
會計英語 相關資料
插圖:Accounting has a long history. Ancient accounting evidences were found in China,Babylonia, Greece, and Egypt. In the fifteenth century, Luca Pacioli, an Italian, establisheda system of record keeping which came to be called "double entry". "It is one of the mostbeautiful inventions of the human spirit, and every good businessman should use it in hiseconomic undertakings," said Goethe, the German poet. Double-entry-system is thefoundation of the modern accounting. During the eighteenth century, the IndustrialRevolution brought many social and economic changes. The specialized field of costaccounting emerged to meet the need for the analysis of varibus costs and for recordingtechniques. In the nineteenth century, the growth of corporations speeded the development ofaccounting. More and more individuals and institutions looked to accountants to provideinformation about these enterprises. The development of corporation also created a new socialneed- the need for an independent audit to provide some assurance that management'sfinancial representations were reliable. In the United States, American Institute of CertifiedPublic Accountants (AICPA) is the largest professional organization of accountants,equivalent to Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) in China.Computers have revolutionized accounting recently. We have outstanding software to help usquickly and easily. In summary, accounting has developed new concepts and techniques tomeet the ever-increasing needs for financial information.
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