西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
音樂英語教程 版權信息
- ISBN:9787535441942
- 條形碼:9787535441942 ; 978-7-5354-4194-2
- 裝幀:暫無
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
音樂英語教程 內容簡介
音樂英語教程 目錄
unit 1 the chromatic scale
notation of chromatic scales
unit 2 intervals(ⅰ)intervals within an octave
major,minor,augmented and diminished intervals
unit 3 intervals(ⅱ)transposition
compound intervals
unit 4 triads
chord notation in jazz
unit 5 chords
symbols of chords
unit 6 cadences
plagal cadence
unit 7 melody
unit 8 harmony(ⅱ)
concords and discords(ⅰ)
unit 9 harmony(ⅱ)
concords and discords (ⅱ)
unit 10 rhythm
20th-century's rhythm
unit 11 key,tonality
unit 12 instruments of the orchestra(ⅰ)
instruments of the orchestra(ⅱ)
unit 13 non-harmony notes(ⅰ)
unit 14 non-harmony notes(ⅱ)
pedal point
unit 15 counterpoint
unit 16 extensions of the triad
dominant 9th1lth13th
unit 17 modulmion
other ways of modulation
unit 18 chromatic chords(ⅰ)
altered chords
unit 19 chromatic chords(ⅱ)the diminished seventh
the neapolitan sixth
unit 20 chromatic chords(ⅲ)the augmented sixth
harmonic sequences
附錄一 數字在音樂中的一般用法
附錄二 專業術語、人名與曲名的翻譯簡介
附錄三 專業術語、人名與曲名翻譯的幾個問題
part ⅱ 短文閱讀
1 motifs
2 chamber music
3 bach'fugue in c minor
4 beethoven's symphony no5
5 ravel'piano concerto in g najor
6 tchaikovsky'piano works
7 rakhmaninov's works(ⅰ)
8 rakhmaninov's works(ⅱ)
9 rakhmaninov's works(ⅲ)
10 ren guang and fishermen's song
part ⅲ 短文翻譯練習
1 melody and theme in voice
2 before the tonal period (ⅰ)
3 before the tonal period (ⅱ)
4 some modern development
5 the twelve-note method
6 charles ives(i)
7 charles ives(ii)
8 twentieth-century rhythmic idioms
音樂英語教程 節選
音樂英語教程 相關資料
插圖:The Chromatic ScaleThe scales of all major and minor keys are diatonic scales. In a minor key, boththe harmonic and melodic forms of the scale are diatonic. Notes which do not belong to the key are said to be chromatic. A "chromatic scale" is a scale made up entirely of semitones. That is to say, it includes all the notes (black and white) on the key-board.For about three centuries after 1600, music was generally based on the major and minor scales and not on the chromatic scale. Individual chromatic notes were used, but often merely as special effects ( the word "chromatic" means "colored" ), which had noinfluence upon the key.Sometimes, it is trueE, their use could bring about achange of key, in which case the key signature might be Changed. During the second half of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th, the use of chromatic notes devel-oped to such an extent that any feeling of tonality was often weakened. In the hands ofsome composers, it was finally destroyed altogether ( in music described as "aton-al"), although many others have continued to write tonal music. More will be said a-bout atonal music and its notation, but first it is necessary to consider how the chromaticscale is notated when it is used in music which is basically diatonic.When chromatic scales, or parts of them, occur in real music, composers are oftennot fussy about their notation. Usually they are written in ways which seems conven-lent, bearing in mind the key signature if there is one. In practice this generally means using the minimum number of accidentals needed to do the job, though there can be more than one way of achieving this.Theorists distinguish between two ways of writing the chromatic scale: the harmonic and the melodic. But no one need lose any sleep over them since composers them-selves never have.The harmonic chromatic scale is the same whether ascending or des
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