西南聯大英文課 輕讀禮盒版
英語大書蟲世界經典名譯典藏書系:中國人的精神 (英漢對照)(精選權威版本)
雅思口語(附光盤) 版權信息
- ISBN:9787560531182
- 條形碼:9787560531182 ; 978-7-5605-3118-2
- 裝幀:暫無
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
雅思口語(附光盤) 目錄
雅思口語(附光盤) 節選
《雅思口語》為英文版,主要內容包括:Education、Food、Sport and Exercise、Media 、Relationships、Advertising、Further Study and Future Plans、The Natural Environment、Cooking and Special Occasions、Transport 、News Sources、Leisure Activities、Technology and Equipment、Money and Finance、Employment、Commodities等等。
雅思口語(附光盤) 相關資料
插圖:On weekdays,and sometimes on the weekend,I go to the university in the city from my house in Ranui,which is in a gestern suburb.It’S quite far,about 30 kilometres,and it takes an houg but I don’t mind thejourncy because I do all the reading for my university on the train.Every morning I get up at 6 o’clock.I have to get up this early to get to university on time,if I go bytrain.So I get up at 6 0’clock and I have to leave the house by ten to seven to get the 7.15 train.It onlytakes about 1 5 minutes to walk to the train station,but I leave myself plenty of time because the trainsare never on time~Often they’re late,but sometimes they are early!A couple of times last year they nevercame and I had to wait over an hour!The trains are quite old SO they often break down.This is another reason why I need to get to the station earlV in case I have to get a bus.If the trainbreaks down,you see,the train company is supposed to send buses for the commuters,but when thishappens it takes much longer to get to the city because of the delay and because the bus stops many timesalong the way.So that’S why I have to leave early!If there is a breakdown,I usually get to university latefor my lecture.even if I leave home early.It’S rather frustrating!But I do prefer taking the train because you can read or write on board,even use a laptop!Buses,onthe other hand,are very uncomfortable.They make you roll about as they move and when they stop,you have to stop writing or else you make a big mess on your paper!The last time I took a bus I gave uptrying to write after ten minutes!I have been thinking about tiding a bicycle to the city recently It'S a verylong journey though,but it would be good for exercise!There is a bike lane along the motorway now,SOit is much safer than it used to be and 1 wouldn't have to leave home any earlier in
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